Music library node icons
Does anyone know of a good icon pack for the music library nodes. I know that the movie nodes are being worked on below...

I would like to see something similiar for the root view in music library. I understand that music genres would be an overwhelming project due to the excessive amounts of genres & subgenres. For the root nodes there is only a handful and would be a nice graphical addition to any skin.
Sounds sweet to me, while there are a lot of different genres, how many would truly be needed? I mean the more the marrier, but a good pack with the basic ones would suit most of us.

Pop, Jazz, Rock, Metal, Rap, Jazz, R&B would be an awesome start. I don't know anything about creating these nodes but I want to read up and see what it entails. I would be willing to work on this project if a few others here chimed in and felt the same.
The implementation of the icons is easy as can be. Just a simple naming structure and then put the images in your skin media folder.

Details here..

I am pretty good with photoshop, but everytime I make a personal set someone will come along and blow mine away. Just thought I would see what is out there before starting on my own average set.

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