thumb and fanart
There is some tvshow which i can't get some thumb and fanart

Info on show are ok but i can't get some picture for them, even if, before, i had formatted there was been fully recognized
Can you rephrase the question? I'm not sure exactly what you are asking?
what show? wat scraper?
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Ok, so the show are recognized (episodes, season,...), but i can't get thumb or fanart

it's for californication, and breaking bad.

and the scraper is
Those series have fanart and thumbs (

push the info "i" button if you're on the serie and there you have the option to refresh the info, new thumb or fanart.
Not 100% sure but I have been having a similliar issue while using MC to download the infos and images, this is an error on thetvdb's end with their mirrors and mirroring software. They are working on it.

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