Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[HELP] Image <colordiffuse> problems
I have some mpaa rating images that I am trying to display in PM3.HD and they are coming in too grey. I have been trying <colordiffuse>white</colordiffuse>, but nothing seems to happen. I have
white in my default.xml in the color folder. Here is my image code...

<control type="image">
<visible>substring(listitem.mpaa,Rated R)</visible>

Is there something I am missing or is it just that my image can't be altered within the skin? I would appreciate any help on this. Image I am using and screenshot below.


That looks about right to me - the grey in the logo is too similar to the grey in the panel, thus you can hardly see it.
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[HELP] Image <colordiffuse> problems1
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