Another theme coming!
I have been inspired by Jezz_X's work on his Brushed_Comb theme so I have decided to wip up a similar theme.
I have used the XStitch pattern that is kinda fabric-like (on my site) and some denim jeans textures to get this...

(I am not going to put this in the SVN but it will be available in a week or two time for direct download)

Honestly, and I know this sounds stupid as hell but I don't really like this one that much myself.Laugh

If anyone wants it to make something of it, the raw images are in a zip HERE.

I'm sorry I didn't do more with it it's just that I am doing quite a few things at once and this has to be the ugliest of them all so I just don't feel like investing more time into it.:o
Hahaha, I don't think it looks bad. Just kinda more of the same, but not bad. Wink
Yeah well, maybe someone could use that as a base/starter for another theme or something.
I just didn't end up thinking the denim look was very eye pleasing. Maybe I could use everything in it except the header and footer gfx for something else in the future.

Right now though I am slowing down on theme stuff and focusing on porting PM3.HD to Boxee and adding some stuff along the way (taking stuff out too Sad). I am giving it a new name since I will end up adding in the social stuff and making it feel a bit different.
PM3 Resurgence
^very early screenshot that is already pretty outdated (not the development thread)

Just a side note, I really wish boxee forums got as much traffic as xbmc forums!:mad:


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