Help with movies!
I'm so sick of searching threw fourms so I hope some can just help me out.
I burned a movie to my xbox harddrive. How do i get it to play? i put it in my video folder but when i click on the movie it just opens all the files for it. How do i just get it to play?
I'm so sick of searching threw fourms so I hope some can just help me out.
I burned a movie to my xbox harddrive. How do i get it to play? i put it in my video folder but when i click on the movie it just opens all the files for it. How do i just get it to play?
good luck Smile
Do i just stack the files is that what i do?
This should help you out. It has everything explained in one spot.
You "burnt" a movie to your Xbox drive? :-) I hope you are not trying to play the movie from the file explorer :-)

You probably already have a directory on one of the Xbox partitions (e.g. I have mine in F:\Movies), copy the movie in there and then go into main page > Videos menu and add a source to that directory. When you enter the newly created source you will see your movies and they will be treated as movies rather than files.
Really?? Did you really need to start a 2nd thread on this? I put a link to the manual in your last thread and it explains this all very easily in the videos section. It seems to me like you don't feel like doing anything to get it to work other than expect people to give you step by step instructions in your own thread.
what exactly are you aiming for?
What controller are you using?

What happens if you press "play" on the folder?
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