Artist Name in PM3HD Library mode question.
When I am in library mode for music I like to use the thumbnail view.
All of my albums have good artwork, and it all shows perfect. If I sort by 'album' all my albums are in alphabetical order by name of album.

My issue is if I choose to sort the music by 'artist'. It works somewhat as all the albums are sorted by artist. All the Alicia Keys albums are first, Beatles next, etc etc.
But for some reason I cant get the artist name to show up under each album thumbnail. And I am sure at one point I did have the Artist name showing.

Also in cover view mode I dont see the artist name in front of the album name. (looking at the pictures in Jezz's coverflow thread he has artist name-album in his coverflow pictures i.e.The Offspring-conspiracy of one)

Is there something I am dong wrong?

Thanks BTW, I am running PM3HD with the TvShow-Movie mod on an xbox with a nightly build from a few days ago. Also tried the 4-4 T3CH build. And tried PM3HD with no mod.
Might pay to take a look-see at the skin files - a grep for ListItem.Artist might be useful (and ListItem.Album to see where that's being set as well?)

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