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[DOWNLOAD] Serenity (Beta) Skin
Hi digital thanks for this new update. However odd buttons do not appear still but the view poster has now gone on osd.
Any chance the osd buttons can be checked?
*kicks self*

Sorry...the buttons had a flag set from when I was still considering the rotating OSD, which was on in my skin settings, but not enable-able anymore via settings. I have really removed this this time, so it should work for all across the board now.

Duh...uploading now, should be done in about 7 mins...
Love the skin, it looks awesome, flows nice and even works great on xbox too.

Great work digitalhigh!!
Question: Is the default behaviour to have all black backgrounds? Because that's what I'm seeing (on a 720p screen). Wouldn't mind giving this skin a spin, but I don't feel like spending hours setting it up just to see if I like it.
fasteddy Wrote:Question: Is the default behaviour to have all black backgrounds? Because that's what I'm seeing (on a 720p screen). Wouldn't mind giving this skin a spin, but I don't feel like spending hours setting it up just to see if I like it.

What build of xbmc are you using? And what OS?

Either way, that shouldn't be the case. I just did a total reset of the skin settings (wipe all fanart paths), and the global fanart works out-of-the box. By global fanart, I mean a set of 50 general images that should be displayed if nothing else is set up.

I am using the same build I have hosted on the Serenity site, so it *should* be working. If this isn't the case, please enable debug logging, restart xbmc, and send me a copy of the log.

Also, each menu has a button in it that lets you set the fanart path for that section. If you wanted, you could create one folder of fanart images and just point all the links at it...
Yeah, based on the screenshots from the Serenity website, I figured something was off. Here's a log. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 and running SVN 19534.
Ubuntu. Knew it. Go into serenity/media/ and rename the folder "default" to "Default". I'll fix that on my end in the download as well. Thanks for pointing that out.

Edit: Okay, uploaded. This should fix the broken global fanart for linux users. I've also included the Portugese (BR) language file. Also, I believe I fixed a problem where the visualization was not showing up properly when music was playing...

Think I'm gonna have a rain day tomorrow, hopefully I can complete the other info sections and touch up some other stuff...like the real power menu and a more detailed forecast that fades in/out with the regular day one.
New version uploaded to the website. Changes are as follows:

Fixed - Video OSD buttons missing
Added - Proper animations for Video OSD stuff
Fixed - folder "default" renamed to "Default" (broken global art for linux users)
Fixed - dupe strings in the language file
Added - Portuges (BR) translation

Changed - Overlapping label/title in music file view, tiles.
Changed - Page letter shows up when scrolling individual mp3's. Now shows artist name.
Fixed - Page letter/artist name doesn't show up when now playing info is on.
Added - "No rating" logo for movies
Added - full flagset for small info views/TV shows.
Added - Fullscreen video when *not* in video window.
Fixed - Tile/Poster label wasn't hiding on transition to fanart mode.
Changed - TV "now playing" label shows more show info.
Fixed - Episode thumbnail was missing in list view/small ep info.
Fixed - Volume, Video Scan, & Music Scan dialogues were overlapping settings menus.
Changed - Flip-flopped scanning labels.
Fixed - Fading on flag visibility
Fixed - default studio flag not scaled properly
Changed - Date/runtime stay visible in fanart view now
Fixed - accidentally broke mpaa rating flag include
Fixed - spacing between audio channel/studio flag
Fixed - long titles in fanart view overlap year/runtime

So who's actually still using this skin? Wink
i use it ... thanks for the fixes and features
digitalhigh Wrote:So who's actually still using this skin? Wink

I really want to, but I'm still just not getting enough free ram on my Xbox. I keep meaning to play around with the settings some more. Is there anything that will make a big difference in memory useage? Can I stop the home screen from rotating through the different backgrounds?
2-7offsuit Wrote:I really want to, but I'm still just not getting enough free ram on my Xbox. I keep meaning to play around with the settings some more. Is there anything that will make a big difference in memory useage? Can I stop the home screen from rotating through the different backgrounds?


Try extracting this to your serenity/media folder. They're rescaled versions of the backdrops, should be more Xbox friendly.

I'll also compress my textures once and upload them, but I think that takes a while. I'll post a link when they're available if you wanna be my guinea pig. Wink
I'm more than happy to test anything out. I'll give those new backdrops a try when I get home tonight.
2-7offsuit Wrote:I'm more than happy to test anything out. I'll give those new backdrops a try when I get home tonight.

I am compressing my textures as we speak. I'll add the link to the first post when it's done. This includes the downscaled default art.

And in the future, I'd hope that you and anybody else who encounter problems just say something. If there's a problem, I'm more than happy to do my best to remedy it.
I hadn't said anything yet because, like I said, I haven't had much time to mess around with it yet. There's always a good chance it's just user error with me.

Is the DejaVuSans font heavily used? Replacing it with something smaller would probably free up a little memory too.
2-7offsuit Wrote:I hadn't said anything yet because, like I said, I haven't had much time to mess around with it yet. There's always a good chance it's just user error with me.

Is the DejaVuSans font heavily used? Replacing it with something smaller would probably free up a little memory too.

DejaVuSans is only used in the keyboard dialogue and large screen info. Everything else is Bebas and Bank Gothic.

Here are the compressed textures. This should replace the contents of serenity/media/ but NOT the subfolders. I left them out for customization purposes, so you still need to have the emuart, Default, and studio folders.

I can already see a few aesthetic problems that are going to need addressing, but from here, everything looks very functional. This is just for testing purposes, really. My goal is just to see if this helps your performance at all...

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[DOWNLOAD] Serenity (Beta) Skin0