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On a positive note. Search works a treat. Cheers!!!
deano72 Wrote:Added file to 720p settings in serenity. Restarted xbmc. It is marginally better still going down one film at a time slowly but tiniest bit faster. I am now going to try my source without fanart and see how that fares.

The file I sent you use the same animation as Auriga, so...I mean, IDK what else to try.

I can try another configuration of the animation where it takes longer yet before it renders the fanart...

deano72 Wrote:On a positive note. Search works a treat. Cheers!!!

That's good. It turns out that there is, in fact, a built in search function for the library. Wow.
I think i have cracked it! I have removed ALL Artwork (fanart and folder.jpgs) from within film folders on my shared drive. Re-added source and let xbmc do the fanart biz online without any artwork on my hdd.....worksfaster than other skins now.
will test fully tomorrow morning but looks promising.
deano72 Wrote:I think i have cracked it! I have removed ALL Artwork (fanart and folder.jpgs) from within film folders on my shared drive. Re-added source and let xbmc do the fanart biz online without any artwork on my hdd.....worksfaster than other skins now.
will test fully tomorrow morning but looks promising.

You should look in the cache folder for XBMC now and see what resolution the downloaded images are saved at. I wonder if it's just a size thing...

Either way, here's another version for you to try. I set a delay on the visible animation more, so that it shouldn't appear when going file-by-file quickly.
In TV section, SHOW text doesn't get changed to black when highlighted. All the other TV Shows text turns black. Came across it accidentally when I had a white background.

Navigation issues...
Going into a section, pressing Backspace requires 3 presses to get back out.

Main menu, pressing up from root row takes you to TV Shows.

Main menu, pressing down from settings then pressing up, takes you to apps (submenu).

Select settings from Main menu (by pressing on it), takes you to TV Shows.
where would i find the cache to check out image sizes?
supernoman Wrote:In TV section, SHOW text doesn't get changed to black when highlighted. All the other TV Shows text turns black. Came across it accidentally when I had a white background.

Navigation issues...
Going into a section, pressing Backspace requires 3 presses to get back out.

Main menu, pressing up from root row takes you to TV Shows.

Main menu, pressing down from settings then pressing up, takes you to apps (submenu).

Select settings from Main menu (by pressing on it), takes you to TV Shows.

I will work on this tomorrow...easy fixes. Thanks for pointing these out to me. Wink

deano72 Wrote:where would i find the cache to check out image sizes?

Depends on how you installed XBMC, and that on OS. Wherever your advancedsettings.xml's there.

For windows, it's "C:\Documents and Settings\b\Application Data\XBMC\userdata\Thumbnails\Video\Fanart"
deano72 Wrote:where would i find the cache to check out image sizes?

using it under windows?
C:\Program Files\XBMC\userdata\Thumbnails\Video

or under your user application data folder .. can't remember the path for that

using it on xbox
wherever xbmc is running from + \userdata\Thumbnails\Video

i've almost got the compression tool ready for use.. even in it's current state it can recompress those images down to usable sizes.. i'll get it posted on mip's website this evening.

I've updated mip's studio list and added a tool that can be run to get the latest versions of that as well.
looking into adding that to mip update so all the studios are up to date

need some details on the skin as well to add those options in.. i think it would be cool to have it update mip, the studios, and serenity Big Grin .. heck, i might even add in the xbmc update to it as well just so i only have to run one thing.. but maybe not..
Hey I just downloaded the latest version last night and the shutdown menu is now working like it should Laugh. Actors are still not working and I'm not sure what font for the studio text, the unknown studio font is actually pretty cool but I dont know if that will fit with the theme of the skin or not.

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