Serenity and MIP - What you need to get all the fancy extras
DigitalHigh and I worked together to come up with some neat things that you can use in xbmc's gui, from hd flagging to media image support, to studios, to tv episode information that you can't normally pull into xbmc.. there's a bunch of little tweaks to the .nfo file to make these happen, and then more in the skin to display them.

First: you'll need MIP - the latest build is in my sig line

After you have MIP installed, you will need to enable a few options to get things going for the additional tags and images

When you first open MIP it's going to ask you where your media is at.
Folder Level Movies - each movie is in it's own folder
File Level Movies - one folder, lots of movies in it
Music - pick where's it at (top level directory)
TV Shows - pick the top folder (look at the right of the screen if you need an example)

Mip will extract some files, I did this to save on download size and install speed.. once those have finished your ready to use the program.. but you'll want to enable some options first.

Enable Skin based flagging support (general tab)
Enable Save Studio into Rating field (tv shows tab)
Enable Media Images for Movies and Shows (these will show up in xbmc with Serenity as well).. each tab has different options, enable everything or a few to get the feel for things

Now that your basic settings are enabled your ready to start.

If you already have .nfo files, mip will find those, if they are not xbmc nfo files, it will find the imdbid in there (if one exists) and rename the file for you, it's renamed, but not removed.

Here's a tip, when you load your movies, what you see in the left pane is what it's going to search for, if you see a bunch of x264, hddvd, bluray, etc.. you'll want to go into the settings and enable the filters.. if your folder name is based off the movie file itself.. and contains a bunch of x264.bluray.dts or similar, check the box to apply file level filters to folders.

Another Tip
if you want to be able to select the media images (those are the covers, inserts, disc images, inlays, etc) without going back to the main screen, it's under the settings menu.. if you want to assign a front cover as the disc image, enable allow media image selection to any type.. this works great for tv shows where you'll have a bunch of images for the media

Good luck and enjoy!
More information about MIP is available in the wiki (link in sig) as well as in the main MIP thread.
Thanks for all of your hard work guys, for all of us who love our pretty libraries!

Hey fekker, thanks for writing this for me.

Only thing you forgot was "If you've already got your library organized and just want to update it to have the new media flags, all you need to do is set the directory path for your movies, go to the main screen and click "load Movies". When loaded, click on Autopilot. In the upper right is a box that says "update media information only". Click that, and MIP will do the rest.

Ok 2882 is out DH .. (shorten version of digitalhigh, call me lazy)
includes those changes we talked about for shows (background) and movies (media images)
Same as 2878 (fixed cd1 issue) plus image resizing and bunch of little bugs.
What extras are available for TV episodes? I'm trying to patch together a Home Movies function by using the TV Shows library and I'd like to know what extra info I can use. Thnx!
fekker Wrote:Ok 2882 is out DH .. (shorten version of digitalhigh, call me lazy)
includes those changes we talked about for shows (background) and movies (media images)
Same as 2878 (fixed cd1 issue) plus image resizing and bunch of little bugs.

Hey, been a bit busy lately with the job and family...hope to have time tomorrow night to implement our new features in Serenity and get them working in a pretty manner.

Thanks for the head's up. Wink
In case you didn't see in the release thread...

The latest download of Serenity now has support for Season-specific fanart in TV shows, and skin-flagging for Extra Media Images.

This means that you can autopilot your video collection, MIP will tell Serenity what extra media images are present for that particular title, and those images will be displayed accordingly.

Basically, it's a lot smarter than it was.

And, of course, I've also got support for MPAA ratings and Network logos for TV shows, as well as extra media images for episodes/seasons.

So, there...

Coming soon: Self-updating skin.

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