Menu change
I am running XBMC on an Apple TV networked to a PC running Vista.

When in Library mode, you click on a movie title and it starts playing the movie.

If you want to see info on the movie, you right click, bring up the submenu,
then choose movie information to see description, cast, etc.

Is there a way, or would it be possible to click on movie title and have it go to
description page first, then Play movie from there?

Using this funky little white ATV remote, it is not very easy for someone not familiar with it to bring up the movie descriptions and various other options.
I edited the keymap.xml which in the the subfolder "system" in XBMC (not in any of the skins!)

and added a command that when i press the black button on my xbox controller it brings up the movie info and from there you can select the play option.

the command i added under <My Videofiles> and also <My Videolibrary> in the keymap.xml looks like this....

<black>Info<black> (which is the xbox controllers little black button)

i guess if you are using a PC you might have to add a button (for your remote) in the global settings and then use that button
in the video files section. eg <a button on your ATV remote>Info<a button on your ATV remote> ? dunno ?

but with the xbox it works perfectly no more navi menus/sub menus... just one button and bang! there's the Info Smile
when using xbox remotes, how is this newly created button different to the "info" button on the remote?

as far as im aware, the info button performs the same function, and its already mapped if you use the original xbox remote, pc or xbox.

Thanks for the reply....

I still have to setup Filezilla so I can access the files on the AppleTV and then can edit them.

I am using an old klunky remote that I mapped to control ATV so will see
if I can change it to reflect 'Info' on one of the buttons.

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