Tv & movie plot in list view (unfinish mod)
hay all
here is a unfinish mod for list view to show the plot info for Tv & movies, but as i will not have the time to finish this mod over the next week, i'm going to let you all have it to play with and finish Wink


add/edit the code in bold to Viewtype_List.xml

                                <focusedlayout condition="[Window.IsActive(2) + Skin.HasSetting(pictureslistfull)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull) + !Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | Window.IsActive(502)] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]" height="[b]130[/b]">
                    <control type="image">
                    <control type="image">
                        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>
                <focusedlayout condition="[Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)]" height="[b]180[/b]">
                    <control type="image">
                    <control type="image">
                        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>

[b]<!--    [/b]
                <control type="label">
                        <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot) + Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
                        <animation effect="slide" start="0,19" end="0,19" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>                        

            <control type="label" id="161">
                <label>$INFO[Container(50).NumItems] YEARS</label>

[b]    <control type="textbox">
        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50)+[Window.IsActive(2) + Skin.HasSetting(pictureslistfull)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull) + !Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | Window.IsActive(502)] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]</visible>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,0" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(0)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,65" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(1)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,130" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(2)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,195" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(3)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,260" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(4)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,325" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(5)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="0,390" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(6)">Conditional</animation>


    <control type="textbox">
        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50)+[Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)]</visible>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,15" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(0)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,100" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(1)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,185" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(2)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,270" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(3)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,355" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(4)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,325" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(5)">Conditional</animation>
        <animation effect="slide" end="60,390" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(6)">Conditional</animation>


        <control type="group">
Interesting Smile
by my side I allready changed in episode list
now shows upon non selected episode
DIRECTOR: xxxxx / AUTHOR: xxxxx
and upon selected (in scrolling mode):

with this code:
Line 738
<control type="label">
[color=red]    <label>$INFO[ListItem.Writer,WRITTEN BY: ]</label>
    <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer)</visible>[/color]
[color=green]    <label>$INFO[ListItem.Director,DIRECTOR: ] / $INFO[ListItem.Writer,AUTHOR: ]</label>
    <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer)</visible>[/color]

and on line 917
<control type="label">
[color=red]    <label>WRITTEN BY: $INFO[ListItem.Writer]</label>
    <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer)</visible>[/color]
[color=green]    <label>$INFO[ListItem.Director, DIRECTED BY: ] / $INFO[ListItem.Writer,WRITTEN BY: ]</label>
    <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director)</visible>[/color]

But there's an issue
The condition are that director AND writer datas are in the database.
If One is missing, none are displayed

Notice that djh forgot to update his code on the line
<label>WRITTEN BY: $INFO[ListItem.Writer]</label>
wich he should have changed for
<label>$INFO[ListItem.Writer,WRITTEN BY: ]</label>
I'm almost done on this mod, but I want to fix a bug wich is in the original commit concerning the display when the plot is multi-line
Imaginos Wrote:I'm almost done on this mod, but I want to fix a bug wich is in the original commit concerning the display when the plot is multi-line

I'd be keen to see this fix. That overlap is a bit annoying.

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
All right, it's done !
The deal is done, but it takes some work to execute it !
It may seem hot & hard to do, but I'll try to be the sharpest I can be in my explanations !

  1. On unselected episode: "WRITTEN BY: xxxx" is replaced by : "DIRECTOR: xxxx | AUTHOR: xxxx"
  2. On selected episode:
  3. You have on 2 rollable lines "DIRECTED BY: xxxx" and "WRITTEN BY: xxxx"
  4. The first 4 lines of the plot

- line jump is supported on selected episode's plot, but still not for unselected (original bug not corrected)
- there is one issue for the moment (there must be a catch Wink ), director AND writer have to be filled or none are displayed! That's all or nothing Smile


Here's the file modified :
UPDATED : 2009-04-25, 00:36
with CF2009 relevant corrections

But if you prefer to do it yourself :
Here we go !
Everything that must be added or overwritten is between explicit remarks (much easier to understand and to debug).
Find this line (should be 66):
<include name="ListLabel_SubTV">
and add this include between the "ListLabel_SubTV" and the "ListLabel_Main_Playlist" includes:
    <animation effect="slide" start="0,-10" end="0,-10" time="0" condition="Container.Content(episodes) + [[IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot)] | [!IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot)]]">Conditional</animation>
[color=green]<!-- mod : display director & writer in selected row BEGIN -->[/color]
<include name="ListLabel_SubTV_alt"> <!-- used for displaying dir and authors in selected row -->
    <animation effect="slide" start="0,10" end="0,10" time="0" condition="Container.Content(seasons)">Conditional</animation>            
    <animation effect="slide" start="0,-10" end="0,-10" time="0" condition="Container.Content(episodes) + [[IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot)] | [!IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) + IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot)]]">Conditional</animation>
[color=green]<!-- mod : display director & writer in selected row END -->[/color]
<include name="ListLabel_Main_Playlist">

Find this line (around line 498):
<visible>![Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(years) | Container.Content(genres)]</visible>
and overwrite
    <visible>![Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(years) | Container.Content(genres)]</visible>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN -->[/color]
<focusedlayout condition="[Window.IsActive(2) + Skin.HasSetting(pictureslistfull)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull) + !Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | Window.IsActive(502)] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]" height="130">
    <control type="image">
    <control type="image">
        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display plot in selected row END -->[/color]
    <control type="label">

now find (should be around 748)
<visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Episode) + !Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
and overwrite the control
    <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Episode) + !Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
[color=green]<!-- mod : display director & writer in non selected row BEGIN -->[/color]            
<control type="label">
    <label>$INFO[ListItem.Director,DIRECTOR: ] | $INFO[ListItem.Writer,AUTHOR: ]</label>
    <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer)</visible>
[color=green]<!-- mod : display director & writer in non selected row END -->[/color]            
<control type="label">

find around line 797 :
<visible>![Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(years) | Container.Content(genres)]</visible>
and overwrite
        <visible>![Container.Content(artists) | Container.Content(years) | Container.Content(genres)]</visible>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN -->[/color]
<focusedlayout condition="[Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)]" height="180">
    <control type="image">
    <control type="image">
        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display plot in selected row END -->[/color]
    <control type="label">
ok, now find around 852 :
<visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer)</visible>
and overwrite the control
        <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer)</visible>
[color=green]<!-- mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN-->[/color]
    <control type="label">
        <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot) + Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
        <animation effect="slide" start="0,19" end="0,19" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>                        
[color=green]<!-- mod : display plot in selected row END-->[/color]
    <control type="label">

fin around 929 :
<visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Episode) + !Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
here, the first control is modified, and the following control is put between remarks
        <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Episode) + !Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display director & writer in selected row -->[/color]
    <control type="label">
        <label>$INFO[ListItem.Director,DIRECTED BY: ][CR]$INFO[ListItem.Writer,WRITTEN BY: ]</label>
        <visible>Container.Content(episodes) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Writer) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.Director)</visible>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display director & writer in selected row -->                    
<!--     mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN
    <control type="label">
        <visible>!IsEmpty(ListItem.Plot) + Container.Content(episodes)</visible>
        <animation effect="slide" start="0,19" end="0,19" time="0" condition="true">Conditional</animation>                        
        mod : display plot in selected row END-->[/color]
    <control type="label">

and finally around 1034
<label>$INFO[Container(50).NumItems] YEARS</label>
and add these 2 controls
        <label>$INFO[Container(50).NumItems] YEARS</label>
[color=green]<!--     mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN -->[/color]
<control type="textbox">
    <visible>Control.IsVisible(50)+[Window.IsActive(2) + Skin.HasSetting(pictureslistfull)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull) + !Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | Window.IsActive(502)] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]</visible>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,0" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(0)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,65" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(1)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,130" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(2)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,195" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(3)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,260" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(4)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,325" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(5)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="0,390" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(6)">Conditional</animation>


<control type="textbox">
    <visible>Control.IsVisible(50)+[Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)]</visible>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,15" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(0)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,100" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(1)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,185" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(2)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,270" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(3)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,355" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(4)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,325" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(5)">Conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="slide" end="60,390" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(6)">Conditional</animation>

[color=green]<!--     mod : display plot in selected row END -->[/color]
<control type="group">

And VOILA !!
Waiting for you feedback
Will give this a try as it looks good thanks
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
nice work ImaginosNod

here is a fix for the flicker when scrolling

add the code in bold
            <control type="image">
                <visible>Window.IsActive(2) | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videomovies) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | [Window.IsActive(502) + !Container.Content(artists) + !Container.Content(years) + !Container.Content(genres)]] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]</visible>            

        <control type="image">
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,15" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(0)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,100" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(1)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,185" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(2)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,270" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(3)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,355" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(4)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,325" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(5)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="60,390" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(6)">Conditional</animation>


            <visible>[Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)]</visible>
            <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>

        <control type="image">
            <visible>[Window.IsActive(2) + Skin.HasSetting(pictureslistfull)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull) + !Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | Window.IsActive(502)] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]</visible>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,0" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(0)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,65" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(1)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,130" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(2)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,195" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(3)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,260" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(4)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,325" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(5)">Conditional</animation>
            <animation effect="slide" end="0,390" time="0" condition="Container(50).Row(6)">Conditional</animation>
            <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>
            <control type="list" id="50">

<!--     mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN -->
                <focusedlayout condition="[Window.IsActive(2) + Skin.HasSetting(pictureslistfull)] | [Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(movieslistfull) + !Skin.HasSetting(videotv)] | [[Window.IsActive(500) | Window.IsActive(501) | Window.IsActive(502)] + Skin.HasSetting(musiclistfull)]" height="130">
[b]<!-- ---[/b]
                    <control type="image">
                    <control type="image">
                        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>
[b]Bold not working here :) --- -->[/b]
<!--     mod : display plot in selected row END -->

<!--     mod : display plot in selected row BEGIN -->
                <focusedlayout condition="[Window.IsActive(25) + Skin.HasSetting(videotv)]" height="180">
[b]<!-- ---[/b]
                    <control type="image">

                    <control type="image">
                        <visible>Control.IsVisible(50) | Window.IsActive(106) | Window.IsActive(129) | Window.IsActive(126) | Window.IsActive(601) | Window.IsActive(602) | Window.IsActive(111) | Window.IsActive(2003)</visible>
[b]Bold not working here :) --> [/b]
<!--     mod : display plot in selected row END -->
Yes, correct !

I updated the file available for download
Great mod imaginos just one small problem i prefer to use showcase flow to browse my movies and use list view just for tv shows which works and looks great but.
When browsing movies in showcase flow the plot is showing up in the top left portion of the screen in black writing. i can't see how your viewtype_list.xml could be doing this but clearly it is if you want a screen shot i could upload one later on. hope either you or cf2009 can shed some light on this thanks guys
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
OK, i'll try to take a look this morning, otherwise, it will wait for tomorrow as I go to a festival with some of the battlestar galactica starring members Smile
mmm, can you put a picture after all ?
Imaginos Wrote:mmm, can you put a picture after all ?
Thanks for the prompt replyImageImageImage

I think they are self explanitory and enjoy your galactica weekend just watch out for the cylonsLaugh
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
Ok, i'll try to look, but I don't have this issue ...
Have you made the changes by yourself our replaced the file with the one I supplied ?
Maybe an interference with another mod...

I'll try to escape to the Cylons, but I will be helped by Roslin, Baltar and Lee tomorrow Big Grin
paul i think this will fix those bugs
have a play

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Tv & movie plot in list view (unfinish mod)1