Studio Flags for Serenity
Ok so i'll admit i have been/am slacking off on this with all of the live aeon stuff, but it would be nice to put out a release that won't change weekly, but this will be a bit complex, so just know that I am working on a media flag script that will be automated for Serenity.

FernFerret Wrote:Ok so i'll admit i have been/am slacking off on this with all of the live aeon stuff, but it would be nice to put out a release that won't change weekly, but this will be a bit complex, so just know that I am working on a media flag script that will be automated for Serenity.


Thanks man. I appreciate the update. I tried to modularize my stuff as much as possible so that automation would be as painless as possible. Like I said, all images that work for Aeon should work fine for Serenity, no need to do anything other than change the code a touch.

The only thing I should mention is that all of the studio images that originally came with Serenity were made from high-rez vector images, so the quality may be better than the current images. Lakeshore and revolution studios are two examples I can think of off the top of my head.

Look forward to seeing the end results. Big Grin
Just to follow up my other post on that "Other" Skin's forum Smile Serenity Support for media flags will be available by this sunday.

Sorry for the delays!

Well you'll be happy to know that I have started work on serenity support. Just a few questions:

1. Why is there an Aeon Folder inside the Serenity \skin\Serenity\media\studio? Is this there by mistake/for testing?

I was planning on (for serenity) to throw the tags into the studio folder (also maybe you want to do a tv and movies sub folder structure here, just a thought)

2. So studiologos.xml, networklogos.xml and mpaalogos.xml were the only ones I could find (from the surface) That contained flag info. I know some people want additional info, such as the more advanced dolby ones, where are the audio/video source studio Icons?

FernFerret Wrote:Well you'll be happy to know that I have started work on serenity support. Just a few questions:

1. Why is there an Aeon Folder inside the Serenity \skin\Serenity\media\studio? Is this there by mistake/for testing?

I was planning on (for serenity) to throw the tags into the studio folder (also maybe you want to do a tv and movies sub folder structure here, just a thought)

2. So studiologos.xml, networklogos.xml and mpaalogos.xml were the only ones I could find (from the surface) That contained flag info. I know some people want additional info, such as the more advanced dolby ones, where are the audio/video source studio Icons?


1. That shouldn't be there anymore. It's actually a leftover from the last time I grabbed all your icons. I'd really recommend deleting your copy and grabbing a new one from SVN, many things are changed/moved...including making seperate subfolders for the rest of the flags.

2. mediaicons.xml is the third one. My reasoning for splitting them up into different files is so that it's as simple as possible.
Roger, I just grabbed the beta build, and since I actually know how to use SVN unlike GIT that should be no problem. Today is friday. I've been up all night, so it may be a day till I work, seeing as sleep is needed very soon...


EDIT: progress is being made...

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