Music library double entry
Ok, I give up. How do I get double entries out of my music library? I have tried everything. I removed all the sources, updated the library, cleaned the library (from settings-music), did a jig, drank some beer, nothing seems to work. What's the magic password? Huh

I think I might have double entries b/c I originally added a network drive as an smb share and then mapped it to a drive letter on the PC and then added it as a source. But now I have removed all sources and updated the library and their is still a library (with double entries for every song) even though I don't have any sources...doh...doh..:confused2:
If clean library does not work I can only suggest you scratch the db file and rescan (Back it up first!)
It's located in your userdata/databse folder, see the online manual for details on your platform.
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Wizard1969 Wrote:Ok, I give up. How do I get double entries out of my music library? I have tried everything. I removed all the sources, updated the library, cleaned the library (from settings-music), did a jig, drank some beer, nothing seems to work. What's the magic password? Huh

I think I might have double entries b/c I originally added a network drive as an smb share and then mapped it to a drive letter on the PC and then added it as a source. But now I have removed all sources and updated the library and their is still a library (with double entries for every song) even though I don't have any sources...doh...doh..:confused2:

When you removed the source did it not ask if you wanted to remove those entries from the database? I know videos do this, not sure about music.

Otherwise cleaning won't help, since the files are still there.

I'm not sure why music library doesn't account for double entries and hide them like it does for tv shows, maybe you can request this on as it seems like something it 'should do'.
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Thanks, I'll nuke the db and rescan (ugghhh...all night scan...).

It didn't ask about removing from the the entries from the library. I think it has something to do with basically have the same share added twice (once via smb and the other via mapped drive). I'll start a ticket.

All night? What version?
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9.04 download artist, album info takes all night.

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