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[MOD] Workaround Media Flagging

any way to put a ton of spaces after the director .. so that the data doesn't get displayed in the screen?
Radikaltimes Wrote:fekker:

any way to put a ton of spaces after the director .. so that the data doesn't get displayed in the screen?

That's actually a really good idea if it's possible. O.o
Have you tried this manually on a few nfo files to see if the flags still work properly after a rescan?
hikaricore Wrote:That's actually a really good idea if it's possible. O.o
Have you tried this manually on a few nfo files to see if the flags still work properly after a rescan?

I tried it and it works. It only leaves a ...
Updated a few studio icons like Nickelodeon and Sci-Fi channel.
krypt2nite Wrote:I tried it and it works. It only leaves a ...

I could definitely overlook a ... in place of the string of randomness there now. ^_^

Added a SDTV check and flag for those of you with SDTV rips.

                <control type="image" id="82">
                    <visible>substring(listitem.filename,sdtv) | substring(listitem.filename,TVRip)</visible>

Added various movie studio icons and detection. 200+ Movie studio flags and detection.
Various tweaks.
I'm playing around with some new source flagging.

It uses data stored in the studio tag by MIP to show the source flag as either DivX or Xvid. MIP stores the codec information in the studio tag so this might save some of you from renaming your video files. If your movie is a xvid or divx it will display the appropriate flag. If your movie is h264 then it assumes it's high quality and flags it as a DVD if you have dvdrip or sddvd in the filename.

It looks for DX50, DIVX, DIV3, and XVID in the studio tag.
Warner Bros. Pictures / 576p / DX50 / MPEG Audio / 2ch /

Everything else works the same... and yes that's Battlefield Earth..


krypt2nite Wrote:Everything else works the same... and yes that's Battlefield Earth..

I loved the book but the movie is terrible, however I still own it too. :p
krypt2nite Wrote:Download this XML if you want to try some new source detection I'm playing with.

I've been playing with source detection as well and i'm trying to find a way to do the matching without having to add the source tag to the filenames of all my movies.

So how about doing some matching based on file extension?

For DVD's that are in VIDEO_TS format, it's easy:

Same goes for Blu-Ray:

And for HD-DVD:

Iso files are of course a lot trickier, since they can contain any of the above.
But i think it's safe to say if the content is not HD, we can assume it'a a DVD:
substring(listitem.filename,.iso) + ![substring(listitem.studio,720 | substring(listitem.studio,1080]

For TV-Shows i'm using this to detect if the source is HD-TV:
[substring(listitem.filename,.avi) | substring(listitem.filename,.mkv] + [substring(listitem.director,720 | substring(listitem.director,1080]

This may not all be 100% accurate (so comments very are welcome), but it sure saves a lot of time renaming all of those movies.
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krypt2nite Wrote:Download this XML if you want to try some new source detection I'm playing with.

You will also need some new tags. krypts_aeon_flags.zip

It uses data stored in the studio tag by MIP to show the source flag as either DivX or Xvid. MIP stores the codec information in the studio tag so this might save some of you from renaming your video files. If your movie is a xvid or divx it will display the appropriate flag. If your movie is h264 then it assumes it's high quality and flags it as a DVD if you have dvdrip or sddvd in the filename.

It looks for DX50, DIVX, DIV3, and XVID in the studio tag.
Warner Bros. Pictures / 576p / DX50 / MPEG Audio / 2ch /

Everything else works the same... and yes that's Battlefield Earth..

Very nice, I'd just add this :
<control type="image" id="82">
    <visible>substring(listitem.director,DX50) | substring(listitem.director,divx) | substring(listitem.director,DIV3)</visible>
<control type="image" id="82">
    <visible>substring(listitem.director,XVID)+ !substring(listitem.filename,hdtv)+ !substring(listitem.filename,bluray)+ !substring(listitem.filename,hddvd)</visible>
no need to explain Wink
Fixed: Thanks man.

Bunch of new stuff added. So bored at work.
not sure if this has been addressed yet in this thread...
But to get the source on tv shows (like dvd, blu-ray ect) do we have to change each individual episode filename?

For example if I have a show called

"1x01 - Pilot.mkv"

I'd have to change it to

"1x01 - Pilot.sddvd.mkv" ?
Arkon11 Wrote:not sure if this has been addressed yet in this thread...
But to get the source on tv shows (like dvd, blu-ray ect) do we have to change each individual episode filename?

For example if I have a show called

"1x01 - Pilot.mkv"

I'd have to change it to

"1x01 - Pilot.sddvd.mkv" ?

You are absolutely correct... unfortunately.

However, it isn't as bad as it may seem. I use the software Métamorphose. It's a very powerful bulk renamer. You could easily use it to insert sddvd in to all your files.
I'm using a new Xvid flag. I like this one more because it looks similar to the DVD icon so it blends together nicer.

I also prefer this one, far ahead!

Oh, and concerning mass renamer, you should give a try to Ant Renamer
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