Serenity V2 concept preview (mockup)
I agree, I'm looking forward to the next gen of Serenity .. any news?
Once xperience hits a 1.0 release I have plans to continue work on Serenity V2. This project is currently on temporary hold...
i dont understand the choice of backgrounds. those models are kinda plain. "serenity" lead me to think it was going to be full of still water images, or some delicate digital colorful artwork for bkg's.

seems to me that the theme is mixed up. is it a model portfolio, or a collection of fantasy arts?

its neat that you know how to program themes, tho. if it winds up making sense in its final vision, it might be something really cool.
osmorphyus Wrote:i dont understand the choice of backgrounds. those models are kinda plain. "serenity" lead me to think it was going to be full of still water images, or some delicate digital colorful artwork for bkg's.

seems to me that the theme is mixed up. is it a model portfolio, or a collection of fantasy arts?

its neat that you know how to program themes, tho. if it winds up making sense in its final vision, it might be something really cool.

I'm guessing they're neither part of the skin, nor the theme. But just like most other skins you can choose to display any background you want.
Bring it to life some time in the future Smile Looks really promising...
So, almost 2 years later and nothing?
nvaia Wrote:So, almost 2 years later and nothing?

I think he started working on Fusion instead.
I'm anticipating a few upcoming skins, but this is by far the one i want. You sir, are one skilled mofo.
Arcanthur Wrote:A few more:
Where can I get these two backdrops?
I don't know what show is this from. I looked on TMDB and TVDB but no luck. I need the name of the shows.
Top one is from one of the tomb raider, but i do not know what the second one is sorry.
XBMC Frodo 12 - Windows 7 - Asrock Ion 330HT - Aeon Nox
the first one is a wallpaper of Alison Carroll and the second one of michelle trachtenberg... so just google a bit around and you will find them...
Thanks Smile
Sorry, multiple posts.
This looks very impressive. Keep it up.
looks nice and clean. will look out for this.

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