IMDB Scraper WTF
Could someone please explain to me why the following folder name:

The International (2009)

Scans as

Anaconda 4: Trail of Blood
brave little meme loves you.
Using the internet to scrape or .nfo files?
debug log please
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Do you have "Use Folder Names for Lookups" enabled for the source that contains that movie? If not, what is the file name of the movie?
You use nfo-scanning and the url to IMDB in the nfo-file is wrong and leads to Anaconda 4: Trail of Blood. Thats why Smile
Edit the nfo-file with the correct url and it will probably work fine.
Thanks, memnock1985. Mystery solved.
the nfo theory makes sense, I'll check it out, thanks Smile

EDIT: That was it, THANK YOU. It was driving me nuts.
brave little meme loves you.

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