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Smartplaylists are similar to search, but are basically saved-searches. The struggle here UI-wise is defining a useful way to incorporate multiple conditions with split boolean operators (i.e. AND and OR in the same search) beyond things like Actor IN (foo,bar) AND Genre IN (foo,bar), and even then it's not necessarily trivial to do.
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It all comes down to tagging (meta data) doesn't it? I mean, I could create a UI that allows you to pick a stored file (video or music file or even a playlist) and input the tags classifying the item selected. The UI would then build an XML file that is compatible with XBMC. But it doesn't spring forth already made unless vendors or 3rd party developers created them. Because if there is no meta data, it basically becomes a straightforward list or word search of the file name or derived from storing the files in categorized folders on the hard drive.
I know working on XBMC is great because almost anything is possible; you can develop so much in every area of the system. However, in the future would it help or hinder development to establish some rules about meta data?
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Posts: 38
I would like to be able to have both movies and tv shows in the same playlist.
Numerous series contain both (Star Trek is probably the most most popular that comes to my mind) and Anime series often releases both (or the scrapers 'mislabel' it).
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recently got introduced to Smart Playlists and they are awesome, But when leveraged with Voice Control they really become dynamic and really helpful. I think being able to direct find specific things through filtered lists is huge.
Years, studio, genres, actors and combinations thereof is nice.
I know XBMC has never been dev'd with Home Videos in mind, but I loaded mine and every family vacation my family enjoys reviewing vids and the kids love it. I had to manually create NFOs and used mine as TV Shows, but being able to search (videos w/ this nephew and that grandparent or this vacation or 'birthdays' as genres is great)
(If i could get the genres all cleaned up...
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2012-09-05, 02:07
(This post was last modified: 2012-09-05, 02:13 by DJRumpy.)
I'm not sure if this strictly falls into your revamp of the library but I would love a hybrid file/library mode which would display both 'matched' and 'unmatched' movies from the scraper, with an easy to see indicator as to which were and were not matched. As it is right now, it's painful to locate those movies that are not matched by a scraper as they simply don't appear at all in the Library view.
Posts: 136
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Set-up virtual folders, containing what you want, and have it show up as a separate item on the home screen.
This way, I can have a home movies folder, with local stored .nfo, (either setup like TV Show or Movie) and show custom named "Home Movies" on home screen.
Similar to "Media Browser" setup.
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I'd love to see revenue and budget added to XBMC smart playlists -- using them could make filtering independent and foreign films from my lists much easier (for use with PseudoTV, etc.). Right now I use a lengthy (and not fully-inclusive) list of studio and genre keywords to simulate this, but I feel budget/revenue would be far better suited to this kind of task.
The problem? XBMC proper isn't tracking this information that I'm aware of, so no filtering can be performed on it even if playlists supported it. Work would have to start there.
Peter Souza IV
Media Center Master (MCM)
Usenet & torrent downloading, artwork management, theatrical trailers, subtitles, organization and metadata for movies & television, and more...
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Posts: 19
I'd love to have the option to group by folders. I have all my 1600 movies organized by genre folders I believe they belong in using the folder structure of Windows. When I use the default genre that kodi uses, I have over 800 movies in action alone - which makes it cumbersome to navigate. In my action folder I have about 160 movies. I consider martial arts, western etc separate categories and I don't want to stumble across a martial arts film in my action category any more than I do a western. I understand they are really both but I'll go to westerns realizing they are action films and don't need to appear in multiple places. I have 1600 movies and 15,000 TV episodes, the more specific I can target my data, the better otherwise scrolling through them all is unpleasant.
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not sure if this has been posted but how about combine with a node editor i find it easier to use smart play list and copy to a node then using the node editor