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Extra REGEX for TV Show Episode matching
xexe Wrote:Support

If you wish help debugging problems please do the following:

Update to the very latest SVN version. This is the version i stick with and will be testing against.
Post a COMPLETE debug log to pastebin and link it here (make sure this log catches the update library procedure, look for lines containing "Failed to Enumerate"). If you don't upload this log I cannot help and wont even bother. Sorry but time is to short to help those that wont help themselves Smile

You must have missed this bit
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xexe Wrote:You must have missed this bit

But if just can answer my last question with a yes or no i would be glad Smile
Without a debug log I would only be guessing which is why i asked.
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I found myself having a hard time coding the right syntacs for my tv series. Hope some1 can help me out with my code!

I use the following naming syntact:

L:/Series/House/Season 01/House - Season 01 - Episode 01 - Pilot.mkv

I use this naming syntact for ALL my tv shows (arround 6 TB of shows) so if some1 could help me get a nice code for in xbmc so Tvshow matching will work for me to i'll be verry thankfull!
outleradam Wrote:Just a note, the date is not original air date, it is recording date. BTV is a DVR back/front end for windows. It uses the same guide data as mythtv. It keeps a database with original air date and all other data which myth pulls from zap2it. Maybe this should be in another thread, I'm burning this issue at 4 ends here. Open source renaming app BTVRename using tvrage which I am admin on sourceforge, on the btv forums, btv APIs, and XBMC scraper recognition. There has to be a way to integrate btv library into xbmc.

I'm running BeyondTV as well, and it saves all recorded TV shows in a format that doesn't appear to be supported by XBMC...

Is it possible for the regexp to parse shows that are all stored in a single directory in the following format:

American Dad-(1600 Candles)-2008-10-05-0.wmv
American Dad-(A.T. the Abusive Terrestrial)-2008-09-21-0.wmv

Like the previous guy said, the date is just the recording date...

Thanks for these regexs.

I have several shows that are in the form Show Name/Season #/Episode ##.avi/mkv.

e.g. Mad Men/Season 1/Episode 01.avi
Spaced/Season 1/Episode 01.avi

Have you thought about including that format? Or am I the only one with files like that?
I would have thought that should work.

Post a full debug log capturing it missing that filename type to pastebin and i will look at it

WaRSTeaM Wrote:I found myself having a hard time coding the right syntacs for my tv series. Hope some1 can help me out with my code!

I use the following naming syntact:

L:/Series/House/Season 01/House - Season 01 - Episode 01 - Pilot.mkv

I use this naming syntact for ALL my tv shows (arround 6 TB of shows) so if some1 could help me get a nice code for in xbmc so Tvshow matching will work for me to i'll be verry thankfull!

Same for you if you post a debug log I will look at it.
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Decided to start from scratch and post a bit more: here is my advancedsettings.xml


<tvshowmatching append="no">


I have my tv shows folder being scanned, inside is this format (example):

Battlestar Galactica/season1e1e2e3e4/VIDEO_TS.IFO (plus all the other VOB's and such)

these are backed up via dvd shrink so they are not by episode, instead by disc, I've read in the wiki's and elsewhere that it's relatively easy to get this to work but so far I've had no luck, any advice would be appreciated Smile

xexe Wrote:Support

If you wish help debugging problems please do the following:

Update to the very latest SVN version. This is the version i stick with and will be testing against.
Post a COMPLETE debug log to pastebin and link it here (make sure this log catches the update library procedure, look for lines containing "Failed to Enumerate"). If you don't upload this log I cannot help and wont even bother. Sorry but time is to short to help those that wont help themselves Smile
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xexe Wrote:I would have thought that should work.

Here is the debug log: http://pastebin.com/f57d6e804

It says could not enumerate file in front of all the filenames around line 550. It does appear to get the show name correct though.

Thanks again.
hey I could use some help matching my recording methods with your regex. I just switched over to linux and am trying to get MYTH working with XBMC's library. I need a file naming system to match the REGEX. I have the option of renaming files as a job by accessing the database after they are recorded. These are my options.

\%T   = Title (show name)
    \%S   = Subtitle (episode name)
    \%R   = Description
    \%C   = Category
    \%U   = RecGroup
    \%hn  = Hostname of the machine where the file resides
    \%c   = Channel:  MythTV chanid
    \%cn  = Channel:  channum
    \%cc  = Channel:  callsign
    \%cN  = Channel:  channel name
    \%oy  = Original Airdate:  year, 2 digits
    \%oY  = Original Airdate:  year, 4 digits
    \%on  = Original Airdate:  month
    \%om  = Original Airdate:  month, leading zero
    \%oj  = Original Airdate:  day of month
    \%od  = Original Airdate:  day of month, leading zero
    \%%   = a literal % character

Is there anything you see there that would match a regex?
Use mythicalLibrarian to make a library out of your MythTV files. Leave the recording to MythTV and use XBMC as your library.
Installation and Instructions:http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=MythicalLibrarian
Technical Support:http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=65644
Give me a day guys Im sick as a dog
Having problems getting your TV shows recognized?

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First off, hope you get better XEXE Smile

Second, I apologize for not providing all the information, I can give a lot more now, first off, I upgraded to the latest SVN, and my log can be found here:


For a bit more of how confusing this all is for me, and why I suspect something else is wrong. My setup:

/home/user/Videos/TVSHOWS/SHOWTITLE/DVD Backups in Folders

(no VIDEO_TS or AUDIO_TS Folders, all VOB's and other stuff is directly in DVD Backup folder).

Full example of my setup

/home/user/Videos/TVSHOWS/Battlestar Galactica/[S1]_[E1E2E3E4]

I'm using the code directly from the wiki under TV Shows in DVD Folder

I have a slight alteration just because I don't have the video_ts folder, so I removed that aspect of the code and also my stuff is all caps so I did the appropriate changes.

So from the first entry it looks like it should work....I'm so confused.

Also here is another point that I'm unsure of, I tried just making an AVI of one episode of Battlestar and stuck it inside the Battlestar folder. I titled it:

foo.401.avi (from my understanding this format should by default be viewed as Season 4 Episode 1), nothing shows up in XBMC, I see my show titles but there are 0 episodes in everything.

Thanks for the help in advanced Smile
tomkiley Wrote:Here is the debug log: http://pastebin.com/f57d6e804

It says could not enumerate file in front of all the filenames around line 550. It does appear to get the show name correct though.

Thanks again.

The bext version should match your format.

outleradam Wrote:hey I could use some help matching my recording methods with your regex. I just switched over to linux and am trying to get MYTH working with XBMC's library. I need a file naming system to match the REGEX. I have the option of renaming files as a job by accessing the database after they are recorded. These are my options.

Is there anything you see there that would match a regex?

I cant see anything in http://www.xbmc.org/wiki/?title=AdvancedSettings.xml thats gives me the abilty to do REGEX date matches so I see no way of doing anything date related.

jrubenol Wrote:First off, hope you get better XEXE Smile

Second, I apologize for not providing all the information, I can give a lot more now, first off, I upgraded to the latest SVN, and my log can be found here:


For a bit more of how confusing this all is for me, and why I suspect something else is wrong. My setup:

/home/user/Videos/TVSHOWS/SHOWTITLE/DVD Backups in Folders

(no VIDEO_TS or AUDIO_TS Folders, all VOB's and other stuff is directly in DVD Backup folder).

Full example of my setup

/home/user/Videos/TVSHOWS/Battlestar Galactica/[S1]_[E1E2E3E4]

I'm using the code directly from the wiki under TV Shows in DVD Folder

I have a slight alteration just because I don't have the video_ts folder, so I removed that aspect of the code and also my stuff is all caps so I did the appropriate changes.

So from the first entry it looks like it should work....I'm so confused.

Also here is another point that I'm unsure of, I tried just making an AVI of one episode of Battlestar and stuck it inside the Battlestar folder. I titled it:

foo.401.avi (from my understanding this format should by default be viewed as Season 4 Episode 1), nothing shows up in XBMC, I see my show titles but there are 0 episodes in everything.

Thanks for the help in advanced Smile

You can see you have a match

found episode based match /home/joel/videos/my videos/tv2/battlestar galactica/foo.401.avi (s4e1) [[\._ \-\\/]([0-9]+)([0-9][0-9])([\._ \-][^\\/]*)(?Sad?Smile[\\/]video_ts.ifo)?]

It also shows why this is not working

CVideoInfoScanner::OnProcessSeriesFolder: Asked to lookup episode /home/joel/Videos/My Videos/TV2/Battlestar Galactica/[S1]_[E1E2E3E4]/VIDEO_TS.IFO online, but we have no episode guide. Check your tvshow.nfo and make sure the <episodeguide> tag is in place.

TBH i think multi ep isos are a bit silly and as such I have no experience of them and no way to do any tests. Its personal opinion but can you not rethink your backup strategy to something more elegant? Regardless your scheme will be no use to almost anyone except yourself and as such I wont be including it in this set Smile
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Version 1.4

See file for some more details of whats changed.

See it here: http://pastebin.com/f74eb50d9

I am going to start ignoring requests for support that dont come with a debug log that show both the "Failed to Enumerate" log entrys and my attached advanced settings (i.e. i should see my extra REGEX being loaded in the log).

If I dont see this I am going to ignore the support request and concentrate on helping those users that show commitment to helping themselves. There have been a few requests for help from users that clearly havent even tried my regex and I have no interest in that.

Remember this is thread for extra regex that will help lots of users. Not xe's REGEX help line Smile
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