Set MPlayer as default player for everything?
I haven't noticed any advantage to using the default DVD player and MPlayer seems to be more compatible with some files. Is there anyway to set MPlayer to be the default player for all videos?
MPlayer is the default player on Xbox, other platforms don't have it...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Mplayer is also available for linux and windows. I don't know for mac though.
Yeah it is, but not native like on Xbox so you'll have to use the externalplayer support for that (check the wiki on that)....
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
My bad >.<

I am running XBMC on Xbox.

When I try to play a file over the network, it plays using the DVD player. Perhaps I screwed something up and made it the default player when I was messing around with different settings? How would I go about making MPlayer the default again?
It is the default unless otherwise specified in your advancedsettings.xml. Note that DVDPlayer can also be forced for some types because it is known to work better with mplayer or dvdplayer. A debug log would certainly tell us...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Edit, don't need this fixed anymore, if I need to play in Mplayer I'll just switch the extension.


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