Can no longer access music files.
Hey all. My current set up is an XBMC softmod and I use the xbox to stream music from my computer. I now use Popcorn Hour to stream HD movies. Well, I'm having trouble now accessing the Music section XBMC. Oddly enough, my popcorn hour has had trouble accessing the Music section as well - the popcorn hour has the same sort of setup where you select "video", "music", or "photo" depending on what you're trying to access. So, this makes me think it might have something to do with my files rather than my xbox since the same thing is now happening on both systems.

The other night I was playing music and when I came back to change the music, I backed out and could no longer get back into "Music". Now, when I click on Music the screen just goes black. I can access Videos fine, just not music. Sad

I just find it strange that the same thing is happening on both machines.

Any help would be appreciated. Smile

Edit#2: Sorry for the edits, but I want to give as much information as possible and my coffee isn't kickin' in today. heh Anyway, I should also note that I was playing music from my E: Drive, which isn't what I normally play from (normally I play from the external). Am I confusing XBMC or something? lol

This is where things go black for me when I select music:

Sorry for the premature post. Blush I did some more searching and found the solution to the problem. While booting XBMC hold down both thumb sticks and a screen will pop up asking if you wish to proceed deleting userdata. Press "A" and that should be that. to figure out what's wrong with my Popcorn Hour. heh Though it sucks for playing music anyways.

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