Upconvert ISO
I apologize if this has been posted before somewhere in this forum. I couldn't find a thread on the subject.
I am new to XBMC and was wondering if there was a way to upconvert DVD ISO files in XBMC to, at least, 720p?
I am such a n00b.
I believe this thread is supposed to be in the Help and Support section for Windows.
Admins, please move, if so.
Nothing Windows specific about this question. I will move it to general help and support though.

XBMC will automatically upscale videos to your output resolution using the GPU. The algorithm used can be chosen from video OSD. There is also a "High Quality Software Upscaling" setting as well. Keep in mind though that since this is done on the CPU rather than the GPU it requires a fairly hefty system to not cause more problem than it solves. I really can't see any improvements with it over the GPU solutions to be honest.

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