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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
Is it true that XBMC does not import the ext_text data from Tvheadend?
I've compared the EPG output of Tvheadend (localhost:9981/epg) with the parseevent in the xbmc.log.
It does import the desc string but not the ext_text string. Most german channels seem to provide in the desc string only a kind of subtitle and description itself in the ext_text string.
Are there any plans of supporting this string? Or do I have missed some settings anywhere ;-)
There is no 'ext_text' in the HTSP protocol. the following fields are sent and these are used by the addon:
start            int  required   Start time of event (Seconds since the epoch, in UTC)
stop             int  required   Ending time of event (Seconds since the epoch, in UTC)
title            str  optional   Title of event.
description      str  optional   Description of event. This can be quite huge and may also contain newlines.
channelId        int  required   ID of channel (introduced in HTSP version 4)
nextEventId      int  optional   ID of next event on the same channel.
contentType      int  optional   dvb content code (introduced in HTSP version 4)

you can find the htsp protocol documentation here: http://www.lonelycoder.com/redmine/proje.../wiki/Htsp
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
dushmaniac Wrote:There is no 'ext_text' in the HTSP protocol. the following fields are sent and these are used by the addon:
start            int  required   Start time of event (Seconds since the epoch, in UTC)
stop             int  required   Ending time of event (Seconds since the epoch, in UTC)
title            str  optional   Title of event.
description      str  optional   Description of event. This can be quite huge and may also contain newlines.
channelId        int  required   ID of channel (introduced in HTSP version 4)
nextEventId      int  optional   ID of next event on the same channel.
contentType      int  optional   dvb content code (introduced in HTSP version 4)

you can find the htsp protocol documentation here: http://www.lonelycoder.com/redmine/proje.../wiki/Htsp

Thanks for your answer!
Just for clarificaton:

Here's the output of localhost:9981/epg for a program just running:
{"channel": "Das Erste","channelid": 52,"title": "Menschen bei Maischberger","description": "Thema: Altwerden macht Spaß? Alles Lüge!","ext_text": "Zu Gast: * Joachim Fuchsberger, Schauspieler und Entertainer * Dr. Marianne Koch, Ärztin und Autorin * Harry Valérien, Sportmoderator * Edgar Geller, bietet Kampfsportkurse für Senioren an","id": 2714,"start": 1295387100,"end": 1295391600,"duration": 4500,"contentgrp": "Movie / Drama"}


Here's the output in the xbmc.log for the same program:
21:59:49 T:139738192049920 M:2362433536   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: ParseEvent - id:2625, chan_id:28, title:'Menschen bei Maischberger', genre_type:1, genre_sub_type:0, desc:'Thema: Altwerden macht Spaß? Alles Lüge!', start:1295387100, stop:1295391600, next:2626


Am I right that the problem is on the Tvheadend side? Does it have to append the ext_text field to description field for the htsp transmission?

Thanks for your answer!
looks like that field is missing in the htsp protocol indeed, or it's not documented. haven't checked the code.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
dushmaniac Wrote:@Dojrude:
please pastebin your debug log: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Log_file

Doesn't this apply to xbmc only?

I don't currently have xbmc installed as I'm trying to get tvheadend working correctly first, before moving on to integrating into xbmc.

Are there any tvheadend specific logs that I can provide?
then you should post your problem here: http://www.lonelycoder.com/redmine/proje...end/boards

I was assuming you had tvheadend working correctly and you were having problems with the tvheadend addon.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
dushmaniac Wrote:then you should post your problem here: http://www.lonelycoder.com/redmine/proje...end/boards

I was assuming you had tvheadend working correctly and you were having problems with the tvheadend addon.

I thought that as you were providing the ppa download for tvheadend, that you'd also answer questions on it. Lonelycoder forums are completely dead, so would be wasting my time posting there (6 topics on whole forum).

I'll have to see if I can resolve it myself.
Dojrude Wrote:Apologies.
I thought that as you were providing the ppa download for tvheadend, that you'd also answer questions on it. Lonelycoder forums are completely dead, so would be wasting my time posting there (6 topics on whole forum).

I'll have to see if I can resolve it myself.
just to reflect on almost empty lonelycoder forum: it is in transition from mailing list to forum, that is the reason.
as you know: if nobody posts on the forum it is very likely to stay 'empty' Wink
I suggest you give it a try on the forum.
TV server: ClearOS 5.2, HTS Tvheadend git-0664329, IPTV
XBMC Clients (2): Jetway J7F3E Mini-ITX, AMD Geode NX1750, 1GB, Custom Build Case, 2,5" SATA 120GB, GeForce 8500GT (PCI) 256MB, NEC Slot-in DVD, 7" touch screen, 40" Samsung LED (VGA), ATI Remote Wonder (I)
(OS) Environment Clients: Ubuntu Server 10.04, XBMC 11.0 BETA 3, TVHeadend plugin enabled, Skin Confluenza
I agree with Ruud.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac

xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]

Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.

If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
sengst Wrote:Is it true that XBMC does not import the ext_text data from Tvheadend?
I've compared the EPG output of Tvheadend (localhost:9981/epg) with the parseevent in the xbmc.log.
It does import the desc string but not the ext_text string. Most german channels seem to provide in the desc string only a kind of subtitle and description itself in the ext_text string.
Are there any plans of supporting this string? Or do I have missed some settings anywhere ;-)

I had the same problem. I swapped ext_text and desc in the HTSP part of the Tvheadend source code and now I have the description in XBMC :-)

But you're right, there should be a general solution to this problem.
Dojrude Wrote:Apologies.
I thought that as you were providing the ppa download for tvheadend, that you'd also answer questions on it. Lonelycoder forums are completely dead, so would be wasting my time posting there (6 topics on whole forum).

I'll have to see if I can resolve it myself.

Or try the IRC channel - irc://irc.freenode.net/hts

Plenty of people on there.
@Ruud, Hi there, I see you're using the ct3650ci. I just received this device today. Trying to get it to work now. I have standard xbmc live 10 install. and device is recognized when doin' lsusb. but says no driver. Can you help me out on this ?
I (finally) installed xbmc-dharma-pvr on my Archlinux Asrock ION and noticed that when using the Live TV option the order of the tv channels is not according the channelnumbers. When using the htsp stream as source (from the content menu) the order is according the channelnumbers. Is this a known bug in XBMC Dharma ?
prensel Wrote:I (finally) installed xbmc-dharma-pvr on my Archlinux Asrock ION and noticed that when using the Live TV option the order of the tv channels is not according the channelnumbers. When using the htsp stream as source (from the content menu) the order is according the channelnumbers. Is this a known bug in XBMC Dharma ?

Yes, that's known. I would call it a missing feature instead of a bug. You can change the channel numbers manually.
xoox Wrote:Yes, that's known. I would call it a missing feature instead of a bug. You can change the channel numbers manually.

Cant this be easily changed by having an 'order' field in the designated xml file ?
I vagely remember to have seen something like this for having the movies or tv shows putting ordered on the screen...
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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