I did configure the client in the webgui.
When I restart tvheadend, I can see that its making connection with the newcs server and that it finds a card with 2 providers. I also see an error from CWCserver error connecting to camd.socket: no such file or directory.
I am still struggling with that. I tried several times, also with oscam instead of newcs. Sometimes, scrambled services are mapped to channel, but when I tune to it, or it doens'nt work at all, or I have image but with glitches.
Can someone tell me if it related to the error mentioned above (what does it mean
), my cardserver configuration, or a bug in tvheadend
I also try to post question on the IRC channel, but no answer
I also tried to install sasc-ng. It creates an adapter2. When I start tvheadend with -a 2, I can't see any errors. When I try to add a satellite via the webgui, I have no errors, but it does'nt scan.
When I start tvheadend without parameters, it finds my 2 physical adapters, and then give an error about adapter2 (virtual) that connection to frontend0 a not permitted operation is. Owner and group of adapter2/frontend0 is root:video what is the same as the physical adapters.
I really want to use tvheadend, but without help, I am afraid I won't achieve it.
Thanks for your help,