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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
Version 2.6 available to download

get the following error on karmic though

update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)

getting segmentation faults with the following error on the interface
"There seems to be a problem with the live update feed from Tvheadend. Trying to reconnect..."

Looks like its going to be vdr for me as the svn and 2.6 have being nothing but trouble for myself
moontan77 Wrote:Version 2.6 available to download

get the following error on karmic though

update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)

getting segmentation faults with the following error on the interface
"There seems to be a problem with the live update feed from Tvheadend. Trying to reconnect..."

Looks like its going to be vdr for me as the svn and 2.6 have being nothing but trouble for myself

same for me, except for the vdr part Smile
Jaken Wrote:same for me, except for the vdr part Smile

I dont want to have to use vdr, just that tvheadend has being driving me potty with the svns and now 2.6. And whenever somes creates a proper tv app for using tvheadend with xbmc (whether it be pvr testing or something else) its more than likely going to require something above version 2.5 which is why i want a stable 2.6. Its really unuseable if its going to crash after 10 channel changes and you have either reboot or ssh in to stop and restart. It could be just my setup but there isnt a lot of posts/help here unlike the rest of the xbmc threads and sections, so its hard to know whether its a common problem or not.

Are you getting a lot of the error
"There seems to be a problem with the live update feed from Tvheadend. Trying to reconnect..." ?

I even see it on a screenshot the lead developer posted elsewhere demonstrating the rtsp feature.
I've started using 2.6, and so far so good - altho I've not used it that much yet. Will be doing some stress testing over the next few days.

The 'losing muxes' issue is also being monitored - pleeeeease pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease work!! Big Grin
moontan77 Wrote:I dont want to have to use vdr, just that tvheadend has being driving me potty with the svns and now 2.6. And whenever somes creates a proper tv app for using tvheadend with xbmc (whether it be pvr testing or something else) its more than likely going to require something above version 2.5 which is why i want a stable 2.6. Its really unuseable if its going to crash after 10 channel changes and you have either reboot or ssh in to stop and restart. It could be just my setup but there isnt a lot of posts/help here unlike the rest of the xbmc threads and sections, so its hard to know whether its a common problem or not.

Are you getting a lot of the error
"There seems to be a problem with the live update feed from Tvheadend. Trying to reconnect..." ?

I even see it on a screenshot the lead developer posted elsewhere demonstrating the rtsp feature.

lots of errors, nah. Haven't tried much. However this i recognize:
update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)
My recent problems with connecting xbmc client to the tvheadend server disappeared after I upgraded to xbmc 9.11beta and tvheadend 2.6. I do not really know whether both upgrades are necessary, I guess I would prefer a stable version of xbmc, not a beta one. However, I have the following problems:

a) A recurrent "There seems to be a problem with the live update feed from Tvheadend. Trying to reconnect..." message that makes the mapping of services to channels a never ending task (I have 3 lnbs, 290 muxes, some 5500 services!).

b) Everytime the tvheadend server is restarted, the muxes are scanned again. Why? It takes probably 15-20 minutes for this to complete and I don't really want a new scan! Is there a way to avoid it? All the options for the adapter are switched off (autodetection, idle scanning).

c) Also, when mapping from services to channels after the infamous message above, it seems like the mapping is started from the beginning, ignoring all the channels already found. Is this right?

d) There is no way to monitor channel mapping progress. That would be useful to know how far you have till the end.

e) On XBMC, I can see the list of channels and tags, I cannot find the epg. Is this supported yet?

I hope these issues can be resolved. I am not giving up yet!
Lost all my muxes last night Sad

Restarted tvheadend... nothing. Seemed to scan in the muxes again, but no sitgnal improvements.

Rebooted the server... muxes started to gain their signal back.

From this, I'm now thinking that it's not totally TVHeadend causing this, as a restart of just that service doesn't fix it. There's clearly something else being reset when the whole machine reboots.

Not sure if this is unrelated, but even tho my Mythtv-backend had the signal all the time, I've totally stopped using it due to a potential permissions issue. Most of the time it couldn't access the DVB card, and resetting permissions to 777 did fix it sometimes. The DVB persmissions were then reset (without a reboot), and more problems started - most of the time a full reboot was needed.

Maybe its the same issue affecting both, but both handle it differently - I'm kinda thinking drivers, or the udev system 'resetting' the hardware.

Sorry, I can't be any more technical than that - but I'm experienced enough to follow instructions if anyone knows any more??

Really need TvHeadend to work, it's too awesome (when it has signal).
I see that tvheadend supports analog tv now. My hybrid card (pinnacle 310i with saa7134 and tda10046) can't detect the analog source. Is there a neat trick to get it to work? Or have I missed a config option or something? Laugh
If you lose the signal, most of the times it is due to a buggy kernel module for the DVB card.
I have had the issue with my Hauppauge WinTV Nova-TD 500 card and can always solve the problem by stopping tvheadend and reloading the kernel module for the card. Unchecking idle scanning in tvheadend reduces the need for this dramatically. Big Grin

To reload the kernel module for WinTV Nova-TD 500 stop tvheadend and type
sudo rmmod dvb_usb_dib0700
sudo modprobe dvb_usb_dib0700
then start tvheadend again. It could take awhile before you get a signal again ( < 1 min )

Has anyone got teletext to work with tvheadend?
Now I have a Hauppauge HVR4000 which is able to receive DVB-s DVB-S2 and DVB-T signals.This card is the most linuxtv compatible card. I have no problem with DVB-S and DVB-S2 parts, but the DVB-T part does not work. It seems that tvheadend does not discovered the DVB-T card.
DVB-S and DVB-S2 have the following configuration : /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 and DVB-T /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1.
Have you got an idea on how to do ?
pucko Wrote:If you lose the signal, most of the times it is due to a buggy kernel module for the DVB card.
I have had the issue with my Hauppauge WinTV Nova-TD 500 card and can always solve the problem by stopping tvheadend and reloading the kernel module for the card. Unchecking idle scanning in tvheadend reduces the need for this dramatically. Big Grin

To reload the kernel module for WinTV Nova-TD 500 stop tvheadend and type
sudo rmmod dvb_usb_dib0700
sudo modprobe dvb_usb_dib0700
then start tvheadend again. It could take awhile before you get a signal again ( < 1 min )

Has anyone got teletext to work with tvheadend?

Thanks for that! I have the Nova-TD 500 aswell - however those step's haven't brought my signal back up. Waited for about 10mins now - it scanned in the muxes again, but no signal Sad

Checked /proc/modules, and it's defo listed as dvb_usb_dib0700 (even tho it's PCI, I expect this is just the way the hardware is).

Anything else that can be reset, that might kick it all back to life?
A lot of new things in the last XBMC SVNs!!

addedConfusedupport dvb subtitles from newer tvheadend server

changed: don't eat first status message from tvheadend
changed: unsubscribe from old channel before subsribing to new one to avoid messages about no transponder available

changed: display channel number instead of channel id for newer tvheadend that support it

changed: tvheadend channel changes should go by channel number instead of id:
I have just got a new card dvb-s2 working after 5 hours of problems with drivers, but now i also want to use the cam which came with it.
Has anyone got any where with this working yet?
i see there is an extra tab on the tvheadend web gui too but no references to what it is
I am aiming to get rid of my sky box and use this instead for recording etc but need to know more...Huh
still learning linux, | Eve Media Box Case | Abit I-N73HD Motherboard | 2gb Ram | 8gb usb drive | xbmc live | 4tb Linux server |- Second box - XBMC live | GA-81915PM motherboard | 2gb Ram | Gainward 8400GS 512MB HDMI | 2.5" 60gb hard drive |Cheap MCE remote | Tvheadend server | Raspberry Pi | Acer Revo | Zotac ION
Mike34 Wrote:I have just got a new card dvb-s2 working after 5 hours of problems with drivers, but now i also want to use the cam which came with it.
Has anyone got any where with this working yet?
i see there is an extra tab on the tvheadend web gui too but no references to what it is
I am aiming to get rid of my sky box and use this instead for recording etc but need to know more...Huh

Which card do you have ? (brand, model ....)
Its a Twinhan Azurewave AD-SP400 which came with a CI reader and a Viaccess cam
Big Grin
still learning linux, | Eve Media Box Case | Abit I-N73HD Motherboard | 2gb Ram | 8gb usb drive | xbmc live | 4tb Linux server |- Second box - XBMC live | GA-81915PM motherboard | 2gb Ram | Gainward 8400GS 512MB HDMI | 2.5" 60gb hard drive |Cheap MCE remote | Tvheadend server | Raspberry Pi | Acer Revo | Zotac ION
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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