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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
Has anyone got TVHeadEnd to work with a HDHomeRun?

I am new to linux, I have installed TVHeadEnd, Followed the Guide to make the HDHomeRun available, but it is not listed as a tuner in TVHeadEnd.

Is there something specific I need to do?

Is there any chance for native support for a HDHomeRun in TVHeadEnd?

I think that TVHeadEnd + HDHomeRun + ZotacION + XBMC are the perfect HTPC solution.

I just cant get there Sad
moontan77 Wrote:Version 2.6 available to download

get the following error on karmic though

update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)

getting segmentation faults with the following error on the interface
"There seems to be a problem with the live update feed from Tvheadend. Trying to reconnect..."

Looks like its going to be vdr for me as the svn and 2.6 have being nothing but trouble for myself

I just tried to install 2.7 version and had this problem, how did you fix yours?
still learning linux, | Eve Media Box Case | Abit I-N73HD Motherboard | 2gb Ram | 8gb usb drive | xbmc live | 4tb Linux server |- Second box - XBMC live | GA-81915PM motherboard | 2gb Ram | Gainward 8400GS 512MB HDMI | 2.5" 60gb hard drive |Cheap MCE remote | Tvheadend server | Raspberry Pi | Acer Revo | Zotac ION
Mike34 Wrote:I just tried to install 2.7 version and had this problem, how did you fix yours?

it works anyway
well the error below doesnt doesnt seem to cause me problems apart from not being able to shutdown the pc, just get an underscore in the top left hand corner of the screen but not sure if this was caused by 2.7 or an earlier version.

"update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (S 0 1 6)"

still getting seg faults when deleting channels but havent noticed them as much changing channels as I did with 2.6.

Trying posting here about any errors/problems your having


The author seems very helpful

Going to post again when i do up a list of things i would like added/changed such as ability to select all channels, muxes etc. As its a killer to select them one by one when you have a lot scanned in on a satellite.

Another is channel icons. It gets these from the xmltv i think but a lot of mine seem messed up with the wrong logos showing up for a lot of channels.
Hi . loving this software its very intuitive.
Has any successfully got Cccam working.
All the decent servers seem to be on this protocal.

Purple8 Wrote:Hi . loving this software its very intuitive.
Has any successfully got Cccam working.
All the decent servers seem to be on this protocal.


Try to use the capmt connection...
jeepcook Wrote:Try to use the capmt connection...

Oh ok i will try and put the server details in there. thanks
jeepcook Wrote:Try to use the capmt connection...

care to provide more info? pm if necessary
moontan77 Wrote:care to provide more info? pm if necessary

execute cccam on your linux pc, see the file generated under /tmp/ and give this file to tvheadend ..

just try !
care to elaborate a bit more:confused2:
install cccam and if it works ok a file should be generated in your tmp folder

then link to that file from the capmt section in tvheadend web interface

Havent got it working myself as cccam doesnt seem to run at all even though i followed all the steps i found on an cccam ubuntu guide

usr/local/bin/ folder didnt even exist on my ubuntu installation

Typing this command CCcam.x86 -d in the /usr/local/bin/ folder results in this

xbmc@xbmc:/usr/local/bin$ CCcam.x86 -d
20:42:19.234 CCcam: ======================================================================
20:42:19.234 CCcam: starting CCcam 2.1.1 compiled on Apr 30 2009@23:36:30
20:42:19.234 CCcam: ======================================================================
20:42:19.235 CCcam: online using nodeId 2d40f709fddaee93
20:42:19.241 CCcam: dvb api3 detected
20:42:19.242 CCcam: create 1 cam device(s)
20:42:19.242 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/SoftCam.Key or not found
20:42:19.243 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key or not found
20:42:19.243 CCcam: static cw not found or bad
20:42:19.246 CCcam: parsed 335 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio
20:42:19.252 CCcam: added 510 provider names from /var/etc/CCcam.providers
20:42:19.466 CCcam: added 4497 channel names from /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
20:42:19.466 CCcam: server started on port 12000
20:42:19.483 CCcam: no working cam devices, no need to start pmthandler

but no web interface and not connecting to my dreambox server
moontan77 Wrote:install cccam and if it works ok a file should be generated in your tmp folder

then link to that file from the capmt section in tvheadend web interface

Havent got it working myself as cccam doesnt seem to run at all even though i followed all the steps i found on an cccam ubuntu guide

usr/local/bin/ folder didnt even exist on my ubuntu installation

Do you have a link to any guide. im struggling to find one
panzaeron Wrote:Tvheadend 2.7 is out: http://www.lonelycoder.com/hts/tvheadend_download.html

with the following changes:
  • Added support for DVB subtitles. Currently only forwarded over HTSP
  • Add support for reception of RTP encapsulated IPTV
  • Fixed a crash caused by a race condition when starting a subscription
  • Increase maximum packet size for IPTV to 65536 bytes
Is there any guide how to configure TVHE to use IPTV? (in my case: raw UDP)

Somehow I can't get XBMC to play live (IP)TV. I get the message:
Data received for service but no pa..." (nothing after "pa")
moontan77 Wrote:install cccam and if it works ok a file should be generated in your tmp folder

then link to that file from the capmt section in tvheadend web interface

Havent got it working myself as cccam doesnt seem to run at all even though i followed all the steps i found on an cccam ubuntu guide

usr/local/bin/ folder didnt even exist on my ubuntu installation

Typing this command CCcam.x86 -d in the /usr/local/bin/ folder results in this

xbmc@xbmc:/usr/local/bin$ CCcam.x86 -d
20:42:19.234 CCcam: ======================================================================
20:42:19.234 CCcam: starting CCcam 2.1.1 compiled on Apr 30 2009@23:36:30
20:42:19.234 CCcam: ======================================================================
20:42:19.235 CCcam: online using nodeId 2d40f709fddaee93
20:42:19.241 CCcam: dvb api3 detected
20:42:19.242 CCcam: create 1 cam device(s)
20:42:19.242 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/SoftCam.Key or not found
20:42:19.243 CCcam: readKeyfile: cannot open /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key or not found
20:42:19.243 CCcam: static cw not found or bad
20:42:19.246 CCcam: parsed 335 entries from /var/etc/CCcam.prio
20:42:19.252 CCcam: added 510 provider names from /var/etc/CCcam.providers
20:42:19.466 CCcam: added 4497 channel names from /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
20:42:19.466 CCcam: server started on port 12000
20:42:19.483 CCcam: no working cam devices, no need to start pmthandler

but no web interface and not connecting to my dreambox server

Exactly what i get although i did get the web when i first ran without the d. then whilst i was looking for the tmp file.:confused2::confused2::confused2:

Any Chance we can get native support for ccam. I and Iam sure others would be willing to donate to get this function. Everything else to do with TVheadend is staright forward simple and user friendly. Which is why it was my first choice over VDR.
Yesterday i tried XBMC 9.11 Beta 2 with tvheadend 2.7 but i can not get tvheadend to scan for any Channels. I have a Technotrend S2-3200 dvb-card.

What I did:
1.) Connect to the webfrontend
2.) Go to Configuration/DVB Adapters
3.) Select my card
4.) Added Astra19.2 (still just one mux defined)
and now nothing happens.

The tvheadend docs say
Quote:Add DVB Network by location...
Pressing this button will popup a window that allows the user to select a DVB network based on location. The adapter will be populated with multiplexes from these networks and immediately start to scan for services.

but tvheadend does not start any scanning, i get nothing in the logs ... it simply does not do anything?

What am i missing?

Thx for any help or hint!
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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