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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
Hey everyone,

I threw up a video on youtube last night showing how I enjoy my XBMC based mac mini media center with NAS and a hdhomerun and I got an immediate response asking me to put up a video of how I got my hdhomerun and XBMC working together. Now that I have read some of this thread I see that other options exist that I was not aware of at the time of making the video. Here is a link to it in case anyone is interested:
A F'n Roku, cant wait to build a ryzen.
quotaholic Wrote:Hey everyone,

I threw up a video on youtube last night showing how I enjoy my XBMC based mac mini media center with NAS and a hdhomerun and I got an immediate response asking me to put up a video of how I got my hdhomerun and XBMC working together. Now that I have read some of this thread I see that other options exist that I was not aware of at the time of making the video. Here is a link to it in case anyone is interested:

Nice video.. but what does this has to do with Tvheadend? Or am i missing something? Smile

Just wrong forum/post i assume?

You can however start a nice new '[HOW-TO] Watch Live-TV in XBMC using Hdhomerun'.. just write a nice tutorial and post your video.
HTPC + Mediaserver
E8400 - ABIT I-N73HD - 2GB DDR2 - 3.5TB - Geforce G210 - ANTEC FUSION V2 - Ubuntu 10.04 - XBMC-PVR

Ubuntu 10.04 - Tvheadend - Smargo Reader - Oscam Card Server - 2x PCI DVB-C
Kali Wrote:cd <svn three>
cp ./debian/hts-tvheadend.tvheadend.init /etc/init.d/tvheadend

modify /etc/init.d/tvheadend
DAEMON_ARGS="-f -u hts -g video"
DAEMON_ARGS="-f -u xbmc -g video"

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/tvheadend
update-rc.d tvheadend enable

Hi There,
i am getting an error when running the above command

xbmc@xbmc:~$ sudo update-rc.d tvheadend enable
update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (2 3 4 5)
update-rc.d: warning: tvheadend stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 1 6)
System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/tvheadend do not exist.

i thought i saw a post on the developers list stating that it didnt matter if this error existed but it appears to not enable tvheadend to auto start at boot / login

any ideas ?


i just tried to install tcheadend but i don´t get it working, just a very few channels i can play, but there i get only crap, green blocks- looks like not decoding.

Others just dont play. I´m running ubuntu 9.10 and the s2-lipsidian drivers

mantis                 40320  18
lnbp21                  2460  1 mantis
mb86a16                20092  1 mantis
ir_common              49564  1 mantis
stb6100                 7296  1 mantis
tda10021                6400  1 mantis
tda10023                6524  1 mantis
stb0899                34144  1 mantis
stv0299                 9668  1 mantis
dvb_core               90440  2 mantis,stv0299

dmesg | grep dvb

[    4.107167] DVB: registering new adapter (Mantis dvb adapter)
[    8.558863] dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully

tvheadend system log:
[    4.107167] DVB: registering new adapter (Mantis dvb adapter)
[    8.558863] dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully
an 31 09:39:28 capmt: Removing CAPMT Server from service
Jan 31 09:39:28 RTSP: rtsp:// -- Got multiplexed packets but could not decode further
Jan 31 09:26:39 capmt: Removing CAPMT Server from service
Jan 31 09:26:39 serviceprobe:       Power Türk TV: skipped: Got multiplexed packets but could not decode further
Jan 31 09:26:39 serviceprobe:      TV5MONDE Europe: checking...
Jan 31 09:26:39 capmt: Starting capmt server for service "TV5MONDE Europe" on tuner 0
Jan 31 09:26:39 subscription: "serviceprobe" direct subscription to adapter: "Philips TDA10023 DVB-C", network: "", mux: "530,000 kHz", provider: "UnityDigitalTV", service: "TV5MONDE Europe", quality: 100
Jan 31 09:26:39 TS: Philips TDA10023 DVB-C/530,000 kHz/TV5MONDE Europe: Transport error indicator

Can someone help me with this?
Hi all,

Noobish question number 2 from me. I still can't connect to the webserver. I've installed tvheadend 2.9 from the svn. Install went okay and it asked for username and password etc which i gave. I'm running xbmc live 9.11 RC1 on a revo 3610.

After install i've tried running the following in a web browser on a windows pc that is also on he network, but as yet haven't had any luck:

None of these work. Out of interest, is localhost supposed to be replaced with the ip of the machine that tvhe is installed on or is it just as easy as typing "localhost"? Strangely, if i try pinging from the same windows machine i get a reply every time, but if i try adding ":9881" it doesn't work. I've tried disabling the firewall on the windows machine as i thought it may be blocking the signal but no joy.

I haven't tried running a browser directly on the xbmc machine since i upgraded to tvhe 2.9 as i found that installing firefox causes problems with xbmclive 9.11 (usb drives stop mounting after install and shutdown no longer works but just drops me to terminal). I did have a browser on the same machine as tvhe when i had version 2.7 installed however, but i couldn't access the webserver by any of these commands then either.

If anyone can help me id really appreciate it. I have read as much as i can about this but can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks again and apologies if its a daft question.
is there a precompiled version of pvr_testing2 for hardy, that has the tvheadend support added?
rodneyrodriguez Wrote:Hi all,

Noobish question number 2 from me. I still can't connect to the webserver. I've installed tvheadend 2.9 from the svn. Install went okay and it asked for username and password etc which i gave. I'm running xbmc live 9.11 RC1 on a revo 3610.

After install i've tried running the following in a web browser on a windows pc that is also on he network, but as yet haven't had any luck:

None of these work. Out of interest, is localhost supposed to be replaced with the ip of the machine that tvhe is installed on or is it just as easy as typing "localhost"? Strangely, if i try pinging from the same windows machine i get a reply every time, but if i try adding ":9881" it doesn't work. I've tried disabling the firewall on the windows machine as i thought it may be blocking the signal but no joy.

I haven't tried running a browser directly on the xbmc machine since i upgraded to tvhe 2.9 as i found that installing firefox causes problems with xbmclive 9.11 (usb drives stop mounting after install and shutdown no longer works but just drops me to terminal). I did have a browser on the same machine as tvhe when i had version 2.7 installed however, but i couldn't access the webserver by any of these commands then either.

If anyone can help me id really appreciate it. I have read as much as i can about this but can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks again and apologies if its a daft question.

Hey, you need to use the local ip of the computer running tvheadend (serverip).

To find out what that is type ifconfig in terminal on the tvheadend server.

then access the Webinterface from your windows computer with http://serverip:9981

good luck
It Works!! Jaken you are a champion. Thanks muchly for your help.

I thought i had tried that before, but i think it must have been when i had tvhe 2.7 installed and had something else wrong (prolly no user / pword).

Anyway, thank you very much - it has been driving me crazy.
bolzerrr Wrote:Hi!

i just tried to install tcheadend but i don´t get it working, just a very few channels i can play, but there i get only crap, green blocks- looks like not decoding.

Others just dont play. I´m running ubuntu 9.10 and the s2-lipsidian drivers

mantis                 40320  18
lnbp21                  2460  1 mantis
mb86a16                20092  1 mantis
ir_common              49564  1 mantis
stb6100                 7296  1 mantis
tda10021                6400  1 mantis
tda10023                6524  1 mantis
stb0899                34144  1 mantis
stv0299                 9668  1 mantis
dvb_core               90440  2 mantis,stv0299

dmesg | grep dvb

[    4.107167] DVB: registering new adapter (Mantis dvb adapter)
[    8.558863] dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully

tvheadend system log:
[    4.107167] DVB: registering new adapter (Mantis dvb adapter)
[    8.558863] dvb_ca adapter 0: DVB CAM detected and initialised successfully
an 31 09:39:28 capmt: Removing CAPMT Server from service
Jan 31 09:39:28 RTSP: rtsp:// -- Got multiplexed packets but could not decode further
Jan 31 09:26:39 capmt: Removing CAPMT Server from service
Jan 31 09:26:39 serviceprobe:       Power Türk TV: skipped: Got multiplexed packets but could not decode further
Jan 31 09:26:39 serviceprobe:      TV5MONDE Europe: checking...
Jan 31 09:26:39 capmt: Starting capmt server for service "TV5MONDE Europe" on tuner 0
Jan 31 09:26:39 subscription: "serviceprobe" direct subscription to adapter: "Philips TDA10023 DVB-C", network: "", mux: "530,000 kHz", provider: "UnityDigitalTV", service: "TV5MONDE Europe", quality: 100
Jan 31 09:26:39 TS: Philips TDA10023 DVB-C/530,000 kHz/TV5MONDE Europe: Transport error indicator

Can someone help me with this?

What version is your tvheadend? i have had problems with certain versions getting the campt server to work correctly.
still learning linux, | Eve Media Box Case | Abit I-N73HD Motherboard | 2gb Ram | 8gb usb drive | xbmc live | 4tb Linux server |- Second box - XBMC live | GA-81915PM motherboard | 2gb Ram | Gainward 8400GS 512MB HDMI | 2.5" 60gb hard drive |Cheap MCE remote | Tvheadend server | Raspberry Pi | Acer Revo | Zotac ION
Mike34 Wrote:What version is your tvheadend? i have had problems with certain versions getting the campt server to work correctly.

First i tried a self compiled one, latest svn checkout (yesterday), i got even less there. then i tried a build from tvheadend homepage (addes rep. and apt-get install). i got a little more but it looks like a pixel mess..

i read somewhere that i have to placklist kernel v4l module- do you know something about this?!?!

btw. i also tried vdr which did not work also- i guess ist an low level problem with this module, kernel.. i don´t know :confused2:
I have to use a ci cam (alphacrypt)- do i need a special progemm/module for this? maybe?
I tested out the tvheadend as a backend to PVR-Testing.. it's looking quite good.
The setup of the backend was so easy!

I did however run into a few issues with playback, mainly buffering at the start of a channel playback (I remember people saying how instant channel changes were with Tvheadend.. but VDR is much quicker for me at starting playback)
Is there something else I need to enable/disable somewhere to stop the buffering ?
I'm running on a gigabit LAN and VDR is rapid to begin playing back once tuned - no buffering at all.

I also didn't get any sound on the test channel I tried but I didn't play around with it too much.
I tried to compile from the svn repository, but when I make the sources, I get this error :
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open linker script file libavutil/libavutil.ver: No such file or directory
The file libavutil.ver doesn't exist but even on ffmpeg repository it doesn't exist. Any idea?
Note: I configured the sources with "--disable-avahi"
fl0w Wrote:Hi,
I tried to compile from the svn repository, but when I make the sources, I get this error :
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open linker script file libavutil/libavutil.ver: No such file or directory
The file libavutil.ver doesn't exist but even on ffmpeg repository it doesn't exist. Any idea?
Note: I configured the sources with "--disable-avahi"
I got this working by compiling with rev 21550 of ffmpeg. The error is due to an update on ffmpeg svn repository.
bolzerrr Wrote:First i tried a self compiled one, latest svn checkout (yesterday), i got even less there. then i tried a build from tvheadend homepage (addes rep. and apt-get install). i got a little more but it looks like a pixel mess..

i read somewhere that i have to placklist kernel v4l module- do you know something about this?!?!

btw. i also tried vdr which did not work also- i guess ist an low level problem with this module, kernel.. i don´t know :confused2:
I have to use a ci cam (alphacrypt)- do i need a special progemm/module for this? maybe?

Have you tried it on free to air channels first?
still learning linux, | Eve Media Box Case | Abit I-N73HD Motherboard | 2gb Ram | 8gb usb drive | xbmc live | 4tb Linux server |- Second box - XBMC live | GA-81915PM motherboard | 2gb Ram | Gainward 8400GS 512MB HDMI | 2.5" 60gb hard drive |Cheap MCE remote | Tvheadend server | Raspberry Pi | Acer Revo | Zotac ION
Swifty Wrote:I tested out the tvheadend as a backend to PVR-Testing.. it's looking quite good.
The setup of the backend was so easy!

I did however run into a few issues with playback, mainly buffering at the start of a channel playback (I remember people saying how instant channel changes were with Tvheadend.. but VDR is much quicker for me at starting playback)
Is there something else I need to enable/disable somewhere to stop the buffering ?
I'm running on a gigabit LAN and VDR is rapid to begin playing back once tuned - no buffering at all.

I also didn't get any sound on the test channel I tried but I didn't play around with it too much.

Tvheadend is much quicker for me than VDR when i use Tvheadend trough HTSP.. i've never tried it as backend for PVR2.. did you patch te source or is the patch merged in trunk already for Tvheadend?

Buffering could be related to PVR2 i think.. because Tvheadend connected by HTSP is a lot quicker than VDR... atleast for me..
HTPC + Mediaserver
E8400 - ABIT I-N73HD - 2GB DDR2 - 3.5TB - Geforce G210 - ANTEC FUSION V2 - Ubuntu 10.04 - XBMC-PVR

Ubuntu 10.04 - Tvheadend - Smargo Reader - Oscam Card Server - 2x PCI DVB-C
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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