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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
moontan77 Wrote:it would be cool if support was added for provider epgs like on the vdr plugin eepg

So that xmltv wouldnt have to be used

eepg supports

* Sky Italia S13.0E:11881V (OpenTV)
* Sky UK S28.2E:11778V (OpenTV)
* Cyfra+ S13.0E:10719V (Mediahighway 1)
* CSat S19.2E:12363V (Mediahighway 1)
* Canal DigitaalNL S19.2E:12515H (Mediahighway 1, NagraGuide)
* Digital+ S19.2E:10847V (Mediahighway 2)
* Premiere Sport Portal, Premiere Direkt Portal
* Freesat all freesat channels

Good idea. You should create a ticket for it at

By the way, the PVR add-on for tvheadend in the pvr-testing2 branch is working really good now thanks to alwinus. It is really stable and the only feature missing is support for recording.
is it able to handle a lot of channels in the tv guide?
I have a problem with channel + / - change. I can't change channels with up and down arrow in full screen video, but it works fine with typing number of a channel or selecting it from a channel list.

I also made an repository with latest pvr-testing2 and tvheadend on launchpad if somebody wants to test it:
Got my earlier problem fixed....was a stupid typo...

However - as I am getting XMLTV setup for the channel guide, everything works great, I get the nice CONF file and even created a tv_grab_na_dd.xml file as well but when I go into tvheadend and select North America DD - it gives me the error:

"No Output from /usr/bin/tv_grab_na_dd" - I saw some folks had this problem earlier in the thread but never saw an answer - anyone come across this?

Ubuntu Karmic
TVHeadend 2.10
Is vdpau working on HD channels in the latest svn's?

Not working for me anyways with HD channels, but works fine with HD mkv movies.
Great work on the tvhead repo. I am testing it now. I am so excited with the EPG etc... All working so fast. Great job to all the involving parties!
No vdpau still doesn't work with tvheadend. But there should be one patch for forcing vdpau for tvheadend.

I have another problem. I am using my xbmc build on my notebok without any problems, but when I installed it on my Asrock ION 330, I get the following error:
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931254272   DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - Tvheadend HTSP Client
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931254272   DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: Creating Tvheadend PVR-Client
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931254272   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting host
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931254272   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting user
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931254272   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting pass
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931254272   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting port
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931127296   ERROR: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPSession::Open - failed to connect to server (Resolver internal error)
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931176448   ERROR: ADDON: Dll Tvheadend HTSP Client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931176448    INFO: Called Add-on status handler for '1' of clientName:Tvheadend HTSP Client, clientID:com.lonelycoder.hts.pvr (same Thread=no)
12:36:55 T:3049274224 M:931176448   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
12:36:55 T:3079206784 M:931176448   ERROR: PVR: couldn't load any clients

XBMC itself is running great on ION based computer, just TVHeadend PVR client doesn't want to work.
Difference between notebook and ION based install is that on notebook I am running full ubuntu system and on ION based computer I am running minimal ubuntu install with added xbmc and nvidia drivers.
Ye i had the minimal install on my acer revo and tvheadend worked the first few times but then refused to start all all, so am installing the full version of karmic.

Also on the minimal install with xbmc and tvheadend from your repository, Cccam/capmt would not work when i tried to view channels. It obtained keys when scanning in the channels, but when i tried to view them on xbmc or through rtsp it would keep trying to obtain the key (my cccam server was working fine on my dreambox).
I have configured tvheadend to work with cwc and capmt and both work fine for me. But I know that tvheadend has some problems with rtsp, so please try with xbmc as client instead.

PS: You have to install r4357 from today, because previous version had a bug in cardsharing protocol.
Gujs. Thanks for your repo!

But unfortunately I have installed pvr-test2 from it in my laptop (Lenovo 3000 v200 with kubuntu 9.10) and I have exactly the same error. I can't go into Live TV but I can see the channels if I add the htsp url from the video menu like a source as usually.

00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: PVR: Tvheadend HTSP Client - Creating PVR-Client AddOn
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: ADDON: Dll Initializing - Tvheadend HTSP Client
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: Creating Tvheadend PVR-Client
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting host
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting user
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting pass
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   DEBUG: CAddonHelpers_Addon: AddOn Tvheadend HTSP Client request Setting port
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   ERROR: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPSession::Open - failed to connect to server (Resolver internal error)
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   ERROR: ADDON: Dll Tvheadend HTSP Client - Client returned bad status (1) from Create and is not usable
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696    INFO: Called Add-on status handler for '1' of clientName:Tvheadend HTSP Client, clientID:com.lonelycoder.hts.pvr (same Thread=no)
00:11:24 T:24628080 M:1432989696   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
00:11:24 T:3077515120 M:1432989696   ERROR: PVR: couldn't load any clients
"It looks like, xbmc/htsp plugin need tvheadend running on the same machine as xbmc is.."

It's certainly does not. Im having tvheadend running on a server and I can watch on every client in the house with XBMC.

Tv-source: htsp://<ip-to-server>:9881

Don't forget to set access to all or client computers in tvheadend web-interface.
xbmcuser2000 Wrote:Gujs. Thanks for your repo!

But unfortunately I have installed pvr-test2 from it in my laptop (Lenovo 3000 v200 with kubuntu 9.10) and I have exactly the same error. I can't go into Live TV but I can see the channels if I add the htsp url from the video menu like a source as usually.

I have the same problem. I will try to find a solution for this in the next few days. Expect a new package if I manage to fix it.
I had the same problem, but I managed to get it work.
The hostname/ip address isn't saved correctly. You must edit the configuration file ~/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/com.lonelycoder.hts.pvr/settings.xml manually. Then it works!
Thanks for that. Now it works!
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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