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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!
Hey Gujs,

Any ETA, when can you fix the
NOTICE: Opening video stream: 0 source: 256
NOTICE: Creating video codec with codec id: 28
DEBUG: CDVDFactoryCodec: compiled in hardware support: CrystalHD:yes VDPAU:yes VAAPI:yes
DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video:  - Opening
NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Creating VDPAU(0x0, 28)
WARNING: (VDPAU) no width/height available, can't init
NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Failed to get VDPAU device
NOTICE: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
DEBUG: FactoryCodec - Video: ff-h264 - Opened

Do you know any workaround without recompiling?
Hello Gujs,

I made a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.4 and XBMC pvr-testing2 from your ppa on my Eeebox EB1501 today. Looks very good.

There's a problem with HD channels. When they are watched via Tvheadend, they aren't decoded with VDPAU. When I view an recorded mkv file, it gets decoded correctly with VDPAU.

I know there is/was a problem, because Tvheadend does not deliver the correct dimensions of the video and so XBMC doesn't know that it is HD. There was a dirty workaround, that corrects this behaviour. What's the state of this issue? Do you use your XBMC with HD?
anyone know if its possible to get a plugin like eepg working with tvheadend to get the epg data?




also, where does xmltv need to save the files?

sudo tv_grab_uk_rt --configure --config-file /home/hts/.xmltv/tv_grab_uk_rt.conf

this is how i have mine setup and have cache setup in the default location. When i run the xmltv the first i can set the epg no problem, but if i restart the pc i loose all the epg data (apart from now and next) until the xmltv grabber runs again.

anyone know what would cause this?
I think tvheadend doesn't store epg data. After every restart it has to run xmltv grabber first, to get EPG back. So the best way would be, that you configure your grabber, to store epg to local file, and then you can forward this file to tvheadend with tv_grab_file. You can find it here: http://code.google.com/p/tv-grab-file/

I know that this is addition work, but this way you can have EPG in tvheadend almost immediately.

sorry for my english,

i have probleme with connection tvhead and oscam with cwc : (032820 canalsat) :

my question : : it's better with cwc or with capmt Huh

and my error:
tvheadend :
May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Attemping to connect to

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Connected to

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Attemping to connect to

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Connected to

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Connected as user 0x01 to a Viaccess-card [0x0500 :] with 5 providers

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: unknown card

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #1: 0xfff400

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #2: 0x032820

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #3: 0x032830

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #4: 0x032840

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #5: 0x030b00

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Connected as user 0x01 to a Viaccess-card [0x0500 :] with 4 providers

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: unknown card

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #1: 0xfff400

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #2: 0x032820

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #3: 0x032830

May 31 18:15:25 cwc: Provider ID #4: 0x032840
1 18:17:46 TS: STB0899 Multistandard/ASTRA 1: 12,168,000 kHz Vertical (astra)/TF6: MPEG2VIDEO @ #160: Continuity counter error, 58 duplicate log lines suppressed

May 31 18:17:46 TS: STB0899 Multistandard/ASTRA 1: 12,168,000 kHz Vertical (astra)/TF6: MPEG2AUDIO @ #80: Continuity counter error, 62 duplicate log lines suppressed

May 31 18:17:46 cwc: Got unexpected ECM reply (seqno: 1331)

and oscam :

2010/05/31 18:19:48 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8A): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:48 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EA): cache1 (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:48 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EA): cache1 (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8A): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8A): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EA): cache1 (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EA): cache1 (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8A): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8A): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EA): cache1 (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EA): cache1 (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8B): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032830/251D/34:8A8B): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2849 c01 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EB): rejected lserver ident (0 ms)
2010/05/31 18:19:49 2850 c02 herculehts (0500&032820/251D/2F:05EB): found (84 ms) by mysmartreader


i've installed the latest version from your repo:
root@htpc:~# dpkg -l | grep xbmc
ii  xbmc                                  1:9.11+svn30662.karmic3                                XBMC Media Center (full metapackage)
ii  xbmc-bin                              1:9.11+svn30662.karmic3                                XBMC Media Center (binary data package)
ii  xbmc-data                             1:9.11+svn30662.karmic3                                XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data pac
ii  xbmc-skin-confluence                  1:9.11+svn30662.karmic3                                XBMC Media Center (Confluence skin)
ii  xbmc-skin-pm3-hd                      1:9.11+svn30662.karmic3                                XBMC Media Center (PM3 HD skin)
ii  xbmc-web                              1:9.11+svn30662.karmic3                                XBMC Media Center (POC web frontend)
I can't select the pm3 skin.
VDPAU supported HDTV (DVB-S2) playing still broken.

I've 720p LCD TV on my nvidia ION box
I uploaded new version. In this version I added support for scheduling recordings from xbmc. Please test it. If something goes wrong paste logs on pastebin. After some testing I will submit a patch to ticket on xbmc trac.
Gujs Wrote:I uploaded new version. In this version I added support for scheduling recordings from xbmc. Please test it. If something goes wrong paste logs on pastebin. After some testing I will submit a patch to ticket on xbmc trac.

Really ?? Great !!!
Yes, I am not joking. Big Grin I tested it over night and it works without any problems for me. I just need some test reports from people who are in different timezones, so that I can conclude that the code is OK.
added a few timers they appeared ok on the web interface so thanks for the great work.

Was the force vdpau patch removed from your latest build? as my pc with your latest build isnt using vdpau for HD channels while it is for HD movies.

And another pc with an older build, is using vdpau for HD channels.

Support for mce remote would be cool:

so that guide would bring up tv guide, recorded tv would bring up recorded tv etc

also probably more of an mkv/tvheadend thing, but seek does work in recorded videos.
I removed force vdpau patch becouse it didn't work good on my ION system. Does it work for you? If it is working, I can add it back in next build, because then I have something wrong on my system.

MCE remote is more lirc and xbmc remote configuration thing. I will not do this right now.

I also noticed a problem with seeking recorded shows. But I think this is tvheadend problem. It looks like its http server doesn't handle seeking very well. I tested this also with other players (vlc and mplayer) and it was the same.
Gujs Wrote:I removed force vdpau patch becouse it didn't work good...

which hack did you use? i found 2 possible hacks so far.

The first will always set the pixmap to 1920*1080 as far as i understand.

Index: xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Video/VDPAU.cpp
--- xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Video/VDPAU.cpp    (revision 27510)
+++ xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDCodecs/Video/VDPAU.cpp    (working copy)
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
       /* attempt to create a decoder with this width/height, some sizes are not supported by hw */
       VdpStatus vdp_st;
-      vdp_st = vdp_decoder_create(vdp_device, profile, avctx->width, avctx->height, 5, &decoder);
+      vdp_st = vdp_decoder_create(vdp_device, profile, 1920/*avctx->width*/, 1080/*avctx->height*/, 5, &decoder);

       if(vdp_st != VDP_STATUS_OK)

The second will only do this when pixmap = 0x0 right?

--- VDPAU.cpp-orig    2010-03-24 22:04:48.604365817 +0000
+++ VDPAU.cpp    2010-03-24 22:03:38.984367574 +0000
@@ -147,6 +147,13 @@
       /* attempt to create a decoder with this width/height, some sizes are not supported by hw */
       VdpStatus vdp_st;
+      if (avctx->width == 0 || avctx->height == 0)
+      {
+        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Error: invalid picture size (%i,%i). Setting size to (1920,1080)\n", avctx->width, avctx->height);
+        avctx->width = 1920;
+        avctx->height = 1080;
+      }
       vdp_st = vdp_decoder_create(vdp_device, profile, avctx->width, avctx->height, 5, &decoder);

       if(vdp_st != VDP_STATUS_OK)

I would be pleased to see this in your build aswell, maybe make it an advancedsettings.xml option?
HTPC + Mediaserver
E8400 - ABIT I-N73HD - 2GB DDR2 - 3.5TB - Geforce G210 - ANTEC FUSION V2 - Ubuntu 10.04 - XBMC-PVR

Ubuntu 10.04 - Tvheadend - Smargo Reader - Oscam Card Server - 2x PCI DVB-C
another problem i suffer from is the terrible deinterlacing capabilities.. with normal tv broadcasting i don't notice this that much.

But (especially with the upcomming Soccer Wold Cup) with sporting broadcasting for example soccer it's terrible to watch using the standard Deinterlacer from FFmpeg, but in my opinion the VDPAU deinterlacers are not that much better either.

Someone else figured some way to solve this issue? i guess it's quite a important one since to be a succesfull PVR-Frontend good deinterlacing is a must right?
HTPC + Mediaserver
E8400 - ABIT I-N73HD - 2GB DDR2 - 3.5TB - Geforce G210 - ANTEC FUSION V2 - Ubuntu 10.04 - XBMC-PVR

Ubuntu 10.04 - Tvheadend - Smargo Reader - Oscam Card Server - 2x PCI DVB-C

Thanks for a superior XBMC Build.

I have run Gujs build for a while now and everything is works great but i have one strange problem.

The epg time on XBMC is 1 hour wrong. when i go to tvheadend's webpage all the channel time is right, and the time on the server is also right (http://pixi.nu/temp_picture/2)
i have also verify that tvheadend and the tvguide on internet is right.

but in XBMC the time is wrong. does everyone else have this problem ??
( http://pixi.nu/temp_picture/1)

/Andreas Henriksson
Thanks, Gujs!

I have tried setting timers from the timeline GUI and from the list of channels and from the OSD record button. The result for me is that it fails randomly with a server error message. I cant find a cause-efect relation that can explain why fails too often.

I am in Spain. UTC+1 (UTC+2 in summer time (now)).

This is the log when the error occurs.
Quote:OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogYesNo.xml) ------
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - active = 1
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - channelNum = 1
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - directory = /
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - starttime = 1275516780
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - endtime = 1275519900
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - firstday =
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - index = -1
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - lifetime = 99
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - priority = 50
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - recording = 0
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - repeat = 0
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - repeatflags = 0
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - title = Men In Trees Ii
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - channum = 1
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - uid = 1310
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - title =
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - starttime = 0
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - endtime = 0
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - stop = 0
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 ERROR: PVR: Tvheadend HTSP Client/ - Client returns bad error (-3) after AddTimer
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogOK.xml
00:14:31 T:3079378816 M:2731601920 DEBUG: Load DialogOK.xml: 2.26ms

And this when setting timer works fine.
Quote:OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogYesNo.xml) ------
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - active = 1
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - channelNum = 17
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - directory = /
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - starttime = 1275514380
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - endtime = 1275519780
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - firstday =
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - index = -1
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - lifetime = 99
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - priority = 50
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - recording = 0
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - repeat = 0
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - repeatflags = 0
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_TIMERINFO - title = AFTER HOURS
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - channum = 17
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - uid = 1115
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - title = AFTER HOURS
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - starttime = 1275514500
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - PVR_PROGINFO - endtime = 1275519180
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - timerinfo.endtime 1275519780 >= stop 0
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPData::AddTimer() - index = 1115
00:14:48 T:3049728880 M:2732388352 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPSession:TonguearseDVREntryAdd - id:8 title 'AFTER HOURS'
description 'After Hours: Dormir con las estrellas'
00:14:48 T:3079378816 M:2732445696 DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (DialogPVRGuideInfo.xml) ------
00:14:48 T:3049728880 M:2732670976 DEBUG: AddOnLog: pvrclient/Tvheadend HTSP Client: cHTSPSession:TonguearseDVREntryAdd - id:8 title 'AFTER HOURS'
description 'After Hours: Dormir con las estrellas'
00:14:53 T:3041336176 M:2732109824 DEBUG: PVR: Updating Recordings list

The pastebin with the entire log.

Edit: Starttime and stoptime =0 in the error log is very suspicious...
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[OLD] HOW-TO watch Live TV in XBMC for Linux with Tvheadend, the easy way!9
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