Posts: 16
Joined: Oct 2010
Thank you
After installing my pc just boots into the terminal. I have used the following commands.
sudo apt-get remove -y xbmc xbmc-bin xbmc-data xbmc-skin-confluence
sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:lars-opdenkamp/xbmc-pvr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y xbmc
sudo apt-get install -y xbmc-standalone
Posts: 67
Joined: Oct 2010
Has anyone tried to install this on a dreambox and stream the program from there to a XBMC setup?
I am going to try this sometime this week, just wanted to know if anyone has done it or encountered any errors while trying.
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I haven't done any builds for maverick yet from master, only for lucid. Builds for lucid and maverick are pretty straightforward. I'll post them tonight or tomorrow.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac
xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]
Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.
If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
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Posts: 41
I've tried building a XBMC for Windows build. If I try to compile the normal XBMC trunk all goes well. If I try to compile either the Dharma+pvr or master branches of Dushmaniacs, it fails.
What do I do:
- Run J:\XBMC\Master\project\BuildDependencies\DownloadBuildDeps.bat
- Run J:\XBMC\Master\project\BuildDependencies\DownloadMingwBuildEnv.bat
- Run J:\XBMC\Master\project\Win32BuildSetup\BuildSetup.bat vs2010 dx clean prompt
Obviously J:\XBMC\Master is where I extracted the zip file I downloaded from Dushmaniacs github page.
One of the errors (no need to list them all I think):
GUIInfoManager.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class CStdStr<char> __thiscall cPVRChannelInfoTag::NextPlotOutline(void)const " (?NextPlotOutline@cPVRChannelInfoTag@@QBE?AV?$CStdStr@D@@XZ) referenced in function "public: class CStdStr<char> __thiscall CGUIInfoManager::GetVideoLabel(int)" (?GetVideoLabel@CGUIInfoManager@@QAE?AV?$CStdStr@D@@H@Z)
As solving my compile problems are pretty much outside the scope of this forum thread, is there anyone who succeeded recently in building a XBMC build for Windows from dushmaniacs sources and would like to share the executable somewhere?
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martdj: I only fixed the vs2008 files after the merge. the vs2010 files are on my todo list.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac
xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]
Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.
If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.
Posts: 2,274
Joined: Feb 2009
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Posts: 2,274
Cool, thanks mate.
1 warning: if your branches are clones of mine (so your master = my master, your Dharma-pvr = my Dharma-pvr), you'll get merge conflicts as soon as I cherry pick your changes.
opdenkamp / dushmaniac
xbmc-pvr [Eden-PVR builds] [now included in mainline XBMC, so no more source link here :)]
personal website: [link]
Found a problem with PVR? Report it on Trac, under "PVR - core components". Please attach the full debug log.
If you like my work, please consider donating to me and/or Team XBMC.