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[RELEASE] Norwegian NRK Web-TV (Video) Plugin
Excellent work, yes. Now I find myself watching instead of looking at the code..

I find very few bugs, though I have not tested how to change settings (I have fixed connection speed to max in the source), I think this plugin is more than ready to be published at


As for feature ideas, this springs to my mind:
  • Some notion of which shows/episode have been watched (like in xbmc library mode)
  • Possibility to read the descriptions attached to each show/episode
berland Wrote:
  • Some notion of which shows/episode have been watched (like in xbmc library mode)
Should be easy to implement in a flat file system. I have thought of it, but wasn't sure how atractive it was

berland Wrote:
  • Possibility to read the descriptions attached to each show/episode
Yeah, this would be just to add the plot to the listitem since it's allready in structure, so this I could do next time I take a look at the code. The only issue was how to set things up. I'm not quite into how tv shows/episodes are setup or if I should just set all clips as induvidual movies.

It also seems like there is a problem playing clips with norwegian characters in url. I spent some time making it work early in development, but it seems to have be screwed up.

I guess I'll use some time clean things up sometime soon when I got the time, and I read up on svn access.
Another thing to keep in mind is making a video demonstration of the plugin, this is close to being a killer app for xbmc for norwegian users.

A link to the video could be injected at various websites, among them nrkbeta.no
This isn't working for me. I wasn't sure which version to download so I chose nrk_plugin_26072009 and unpacked it into the videoplugins-folder.

For example; I choose the category "Natur" and then "Aktuelt", and all I see is list with icons with the name "stream.ashx" on all of them. When I click to play it, nothing happens.

In "Program", "Vis alle", "Autofil", "2008" there is 10 icons that has a white paper, and all has the name "nrk media browser". Same in the folder "Ekstramateriale".

What have I done wrong?

XBMC 9.04.1 r20654 (Compiled May 25 2009) running on Ubuntu 8.04.

(Linux noob in learning)
read the thread. then blush.
Bleh, installing plugins before they are working and the wondering what is wrong is typically me...
and if you didn't catch it; you need a newer xbmc as i added mms support a couple of weeks ago and that is needed for this plugin to work.
spiff Wrote:and if you didn't catch it; you need a newer xbmc as i added mms support a couple of weeks ago and that is needed for this plugin to work.

I´m having trouble getting it to work with the latest Windows build (r21940). Do you know if mms-support is available in this build? I can´t find the information anyware...

Here´s what my log says:

10:54:44 T:4060 M:1407889408 NOTICE: no data found in session jar
10:54:44 T:4060 M:1407889408 NOTICE: Connection to www1.nrk.no requested...
10:54:44 T:5324 M:1407881216 NOTICE: GET www1.nrk.no/nett-tv/silverlight/getmediaxml.ashx?id=335020&hastighet=600&vissuper=True
10:54:45 T:5324 M:1407508480 NOTICE: status code: 200
10:54:45 T:4060 M:1407537152 NOTICE: put data with key: http://www1.nrk.no/nett-tv/silverlight/g...super=True in session jar
10:54:45 T:4060 M:1407537152 NOTICE: session jars "put-request" are persistent
10:54:45 T:4060 M:1407528960 NOTICE: checkout session jar with key: http://straumod.nrk.no/disk07/uti_var_ha...p5_200.wmv
10:54:45 T:4060 M:1407528960 NOTICE: no data found in session jar
10:54:45 T:4060 M:1407528960 NOTICE: Connection to straumod.nrk.no requested...
10:54:45 T:4692 M:1407520768 NOTICE: GET straumod.nrk.no/disk07/uti_var_hage/2008-02-06/ep5_200.wmv?
10:54:45 T:4692 M:1407512576 NOTICE: status code: 200
10:54:45 T:4060 M:1407528960 NOTICE: put data with key: http://straumod.nrk.no/disk07/uti_var_ha...p5_200.wmv in session jar
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407528960 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: mms://straumod.nrk.no/disk07/uti_var_hage/2008-02-06/ep5_200.wmv?&MSWMExt=.asf
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407524864 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
10:54:45 T:5732 M:1407496192 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
10:54:45 T:5732 M:1391693824 ERROR: XFILE::CFileCache::Open - failed to open source <mms://straumod.nrk.no/disk07/uti_var_hage/2008-02-06/ep5_200.wmv?&MSWMExt=.asf>
10:54:45 T:5732 M:1407467520 ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [mms://straumod.nrk.no/disk07/uti_var_hage/2008-02-06/ep5_200.wmv?&MSWMExt=.asf]
10:54:45 T:5732 M:1407467520 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
10:54:45 T:5732 M:1407467520 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407479808 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://video/nrk media browser/?program&&type=%27klipp%27&id=335020&]
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407295488 NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407295488 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407295488 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
10:54:45 T:5272 M:1407283200 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
Are you experience this with all streams? I'll guess this one has norwegian unicode characters in url, and as mentioned this got screwed up somewhere in a re-structure. I'll take a look at it tonight or tommorow.

Edit: On a second look. You are using the playlist, and there seems to be some screw up there also. Try program menu entry, to access the videos.

I had about everything working before I figured out it was smart to make some major changes in coding structure, and now it seems like I has to do some work fixing a bunch of error in playlist section.
plus that's not a debug log and NEVER post logs inline in the forums.
spiff Wrote:plus that's not a debug log and NEVER post logs inline in the forums.

Sorry... I wasn´t aware of that. Blush

VictorV: I´ll try the program menu entry when I get to my media center...
VictorV Wrote:Are you experience this with all streams? I'll guess this one has norwegian unicode characters in url, and as mentioned this got screwed up somewhere in a re-structure. I'll take a look at it tonight or tommorow.

Edit: On a second look. You are using the playlist, and there seems to be some screw up there also. Try program menu entry, to access the videos.

I had about everything working before I figured out it was smart to make some major changes in coding structure, and now it seems like I has to do some work fixing a bunch of error in playlist section.

I`ve now tried watching video through the program menu entry, but I still can`t get it to work. The podcast section works, though. Here`s my log where it successfully streams "Schrödingers katt" (Podcast), but fails to load "Bak_Roscky_300_508229_20090712_195900.wmv" and "NRK2_200907222309_PRTY-110087-09_170_300.wmv" (From the program menu entry).

Log: http://pastebin.com/me23bb1e
I find this a bit strange. I see it's trying to use a alternative host for the movies. I'm haven't written the best error logging and I can't duplicate your problem, so I'm not sure what's going wrong there, but is this permanent and with all programs?

I done some small work here and there now, and this will be the last release I'll post here and get this over in the repository. If someone wants to help out with this plugin help is appreciated as my hollidays are over and I don't have that much time spending on this.
In this release:
* Spent to much time on creating alpha transparency supported by xbmc in the teletext
* Fixed some bugs in the teletext "remote"
* Fixed search in program section
* Fixed some broken parts in playlist section. Now playback of _all_ videos works in my xbox build. I have no clue what needs to be done to making it work on all platforms, but there little I can do I think
* Fixed some bugs in radio streams

berland Wrote:Another thing to keep in mind is making a video demonstration of the plugin, this is close to being a killer app for xbmc for norwegian users.

A link to the video could be injected at various websites, among them nrkbeta.no

Feel free Wink
berland Wrote:As for feature ideas, this springs to my mind:
  • Some notion of which shows/episode have been watched (like in xbmc library mode)
  • Possibility to read the descriptions attached to each show/episode


This one is has some feature for watched/unwatched episodes. It's not optimal, as it's using the same methods as the caching, so the same video won't be marked as watched in different views.

To see show/episode plot you can use the context menu to view movie information as for now.

I think it's someone who's writting bugs in my code when I'm asleep, so there's also some bugfixes (and probably some new bugs Wink)
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[RELEASE] Norwegian NRK Web-TV (Video) Plugin9
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