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[RELEASE] Norwegian NRK Web-TV (Video) Plugin
Great! There is a slight catch though.. Smile

Found a (devastating) new bug yes.. XBMC crashes after loading all show-directories. I click e.g. 'Program' -> "Vis tema liste" -> "Underholdning", xbmc retrieves data from nrk webpages for some time, and when it is finished, xbmc crashes (xbmc exits). No error messages in log, only that it has written cache data.

I tried deleting my old cache (written by a previous version of the plugin), but it did not help.

Have not tried: compiling latest xbmc from svn.
That isn't a new feature for sure Smile
You're running on a linux platform? I've tried it on two windows build on different machines, and two xboxes and it worked as should, but I haven't any possibilities to test on any linux build atm.

The most obviouse I can think of would be the pickle module making some trouble. I have used the cPickle module in that last version. You could test this release, and tell if it's so.

I've also added support for transparent files and folders, to avoid so much navigating
Also added some small cosmetic details

Added local vignettes to the archive, so you could use your own, or nrks classic vignettes in playlist. It is just to avoid streaming the vignettes over the internet every time, but I found it fun to use some I found on youtube.

The playlists now autoplay videos. some of them are only working on xbox. I not sure what needs to be done, but as a temp solution in the script there could be added a download feature, as the videos seemed to play just nice when played locally. On Windows and Linux(I guess?) builds I added a error.avi that should be played, so the plugin don't crash.

The plugin now also removes empty folders, so sometimes the directory listing willl be different from nrk s website, but it's only empty folders.
VictorV Wrote:http://prosjektet.net/xbmc/plugins/nrk_p...4082009.7z

Tanx for the good effort Smile
... but I have a problems with live(Direkte) streams. I get "No data received" as error message. I have seen this on other streams as well, but not all. I have no problems directly from nrk.no on my computer.

I have tested it both with xbox and the windows version of XBMC.

It looks like its problems with icanal streams...

This is awesome work. Love how this script is turning out !

However i too have probems with "direkte" streams. Damn and today i was hoping to wath "velg09" but offcourse thats one of the streams not working Sad

anyhow i realy appriciate all the hardwork put down !
PointOfView Nvidia ION Atom 330 - TRANSCEND 2GB DDR2 DIMM 800MHz - G.SKILL 64GB SSD 2.5
Open Elec Beta4 1.95.4
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For direct live streaming of NRK1 and 2 i found two mms streams:



if you dont want high quality just replace the _h with _l to get low bitrate.

If you dont know how to use strm files in xbmc here's a quicky:
paste the nrk1 link above into a blank txt document. Save the file as NRK1.strm
Do the same for NRK2 but name it NRK2.strm

Put both files in a folder named NRK and leave the folder a place where your xbmc can reach it.

From xbmc add source and choose your NRK folder. Then enter the NRK source and select either NRK1.strm or NRK2.strm
PointOfView Nvidia ION Atom 330 - TRANSCEND 2GB DDR2 DIMM 800MHz - G.SKILL 64GB SSD 2.5
Open Elec Beta4 1.95.4
XBMC Online Manual - HOW-TO post about a problem in a useful manner - Create/View Bug Report
Setup/Fix correct resolution on XBMC/Ubuntu - Usefull linux terminal commands
If you could post some logs, I will take a look at it
The-Boxhead Wrote:For direct live streaming of NRK1 and 2 i found two mms streams:



if you dont want high quality just replace the _h with _l to get low bitrate.

If you dont know how to use strm files in xbmc here's a quicky:
paste the nrk1 link above into a blank txt document. Save the file as NRK1.strm
Do the same for NRK2 but name it NRK2.strm

Put both files in a folder named NRK and leave the folder a place where your xbmc can reach it.

From xbmc add source and choose your NRK folder. Then enter the NRK source and select either NRK1.strm or NRK2.strm

I think you always getthe correct stream if you use:


Maybe you could use the XOT-Uzg framework and just add a channel there instead?
i cant even copy the æ-ø-å png files.

I got a appletv, and im using SFTP to transfer.

When trying to load the plugin i get:

Phyton script failed:
special://home/plugins/video/nrk media browser/default.py

I have copied the NRK plugin folder to the right folder (plugins/video), but it doesn't show up in XBMC. Is there anything else I have to do to make it show in the media center?
if it doesn't show you haven't stuck it in the correct directory at all.

depending on your platform that could be e.g.

uhrr. somewhere on osx
I'm using Windows 7.

The full path is:

C:/Program Files/XBMC/plugins/video

The "NRK media browser" folder containing the plugin is placed in the above mentioned path.
which is wrong. as i said %APPDATA% and that works just fine on win7 as well afaik.
Right. Found it. It's working fine now. I was wrong. You were right. I did not know that that folder existed before you pointed it out.

Thanks! Big Grin
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[RELEASE] Norwegian NRK Web-TV (Video) Plugin9
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