Acer Aspire Revo R3600 for $325 or Mac Mini for $800?
So, I've been eagerly awaiting an nvidia ion to use to get XBMC running again... I want the ability to play HD so my original xbox is out.

It's basically coming down to a mac mini or an Aspire Revo R3600 from ebay (since i can't find any sort of Ion setup from anywhere else - besides the zotac which doesn't wake on usb).

I would run the R3600 for only XBMC so it would be off the live distro or something similiar. Everytime I've used Linux it's made my head spin so I'm hoping its not too hard to setup.

I'm looking for 720p 100% for sure, and the ability to do 1080p would be nice but i'm having a hard time justifying the download times of full 1080p movies.

ahreno Wrote:It's basically coming down to a mac mini or an Aspire Revo R3600 from ebay (since i can't find any sort of Ion setup from anywhere else - besides the zotac which doesn't wake on usb).


The Zotac does support Wake on USB now. At least the new revisions of the board do. I believe that all of the old revision that didn't support it have sold by now, but you would want to check before purchasing.

The ASRock ION is all over ebay as well, and being a dual core is probably a better idea than the revo, but the revo will handle 1080p video fine.
I recently setup a Zotac ION mobo.
It's the new revision with Wake-on-USB.

Plays all things totally fine.
Depens a bit on where you live, but this box is a fine alternative to the asrock or revo with way better specs for the money:
They even ship international IIRC.
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Thanks Haggy... though the site being 100% in german makes it pretty difficult to figure out.... I'll look into it though.
Np. Ask me (or Google translator) if something's not clear.
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I guess the question would be...

it looks like that price comes out to $417 plus shipping to USA which i haven't tried to figure out yet. The ASRock on ebay seems to be about $410 or so shipped... what am i gaining from going through the german site? It seems like the german one has 2 more usb and built in wifi (neither of which are very important to me)

second would be, how much is shipping to usa? i cant figure it out.... trying google translate right now
yeah. to the us it's probably not worth the time/hassle. it's more interesting if you live in germany/europe. note that here in germany we always have tax already in the price shown - iirc you guys in the US don't?!
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Haggy in germany we always have tax already in the price shown - iirc you guys in the US don't?!

Actually, most of the time we pay NO tax. They are only assessed if the website/company has a physical presence in your state. This is pretty much the only example where a lazy, polarized government actually is a good thing Cool

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Acer Aspire Revo R3600 for $325 or Mac Mini for $800?0
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