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[MOD] Home customization
whitedwarf88 Wrote:Just curious, how are you re-tagging all your files? I'd imagine you're not doing it manually, is there a program that can batch add a bunch of genres?

for each anime series, i have a 'tvshow.nfo' file. for example:

    <title>Cowboy Bebop</title>

for anime movies, i make the entire nfos:

    <plot>In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this new facade. And what does this community have planned for the rest of humankind?</plot>

Appleseed - 01.01 - Movie (2004).nfo
    <plot>In a utopian society created at the end of the third world war, a female warrior who has been plucked from the badlands begins to see cracks in this new facade. And what does this community have planned for the rest of humankind?</plot>
        <credits>Masamune Shirow, Haruka Handa, Tsutomu Kamishiro</credits>
        <director>Shinji Aramaki</director>

and for series not on thetvdb.com, i add them to thetvdb.com

it's not easy or fast, but it is effective
Beta download links in 1st post
if you find any problems or have suggestions please let please me know.
CF, this is a freaking fantastic mod. I've been waiting for home custumization for quite some time now.

The only thing that's bothering me is how other skins work with this. I'm using a combination of Andy Black's skin and Anoobie's Multiplex View with Video Window Mod. Now, I've added two new sections to my home screen - A Rifftrax section (which is basically a genre of movie - if you haven't heard of rifftrax, Google it - I'm a huge fan), and a Movies section minus my Rifftrax Movies. I disabled the main movies section until I can rescan the library. But In the Rifftrax section, I don't have the "Multiplex" layout any more. I realize that it's due to the fact that the skin is not coded to work in anything but the Movie, TV, and Music sections, but I think you should have a feature to list newly added categories as "Movie"-type sections. That way any tweaks added to "Movies" can be applie to the new section.

Does that make sense?

Again, LOVE the MOD. but until I can get the pretty things I've worked so hard to acquire, I just can't use this Rofl
jbor613 Wrote:The only thing that's bothering me is how other skins work with this. I'm using a combination of Andy Black's skin and Anoobie's Multiplex View with Video Window Mod. Now, I've added two new sections to my home screen - A Rifftrax section (which is basically a genre of movie - if you haven't heard of rifftrax, Google it - I'm a huge fan), and a Movies section minus my Rifftrax Movies. I disabled the main movies section until I can rescan the library. But In the Rifftrax section, I don't have the "Multiplex" layout any more. I realize that it's due to the fact that the skin is not coded to work in anything but the Movie, TV, and Music sections, but I think you should have a feature to list newly added categories as "Movie"-type sections. That way any tweaks added to "Movies" can be applie to the new section.

Does that make sense?

i think i know what the bug is..
to fix it all i think i need to do is add check to see if the link being added is for Movies,TV Shows or video (file mode) then add the right setbool & reset


Tv shows

video(file mode)

i will see what i can come up with..
It's a pitty xbmc loads without any background and is getting stuck in moving the menubar... the rss ticker works only.

It becomes very hard to keep track of all modified files with all those xml editing. For this I backed up my original AEON folder and copy/past + overwrite your files... doens't work for me Sad
cloverfield Wrote:It's a pitty xbmc loads without any background and is getting stuck in moving the menubar... the rss ticker works only.

It becomes very hard to keep track of all modified files with all those xml editing. For this I backed up my original AEON folder and copy/past + overwrite your files... doens't work for me Sad

Hmm.. I have tested the mod on the AEON on github and it is all working right at this end...

is anyone else having these bugs?

Fix Movies,TV Shows or video linking see Commit History on github
I have this error

The original option submenu
cloverfield Wrote:It's a pitty xbmc loads without any background and is getting stuck in moving the menubar... the rss ticker works only.

It becomes very hard to keep track of all modified files with all those xml editing. For this I backed up my original AEON folder and copy/past + overwrite your files... doens't work for me Sad

I'm not using a clean Aeon - I copied my custom Aeon and made a seperate skin to test out this mod. Make sure you don't replace the entire 720p/media/etc folders. All you have to do is take what's in CF's folders and add them to Aeon's. Everything runs smoothly on my end.
RodrigoG Wrote:I have this error
I'm going to need a bit more info XBMC LOG would be good

RodrigoG Wrote:suggestion
The original option submenu

I will look in to it but it's not going to be any time soon
(i would bet Hitcher will add it to his mod with djh submenu as a option or as the only option)Wink
Using the original Auriga I've got black backgrounds and the favorite menu does not show when I click it and stops me scrolling right and left (I assume its there but unseen and I can't get rid, hence no right and left).
CF2009 Wrote:I'm going to need a bit more info XBMC LOG would be good


Big Grin
RodrigoG Wrote:http://rapidshare.com/files/259945595/xbmc.log.html

Big Grin

i can't look at your log atm as rapidshare is down for me, but i believe your problem is that you don't have anything added to your favorites so the file doesn't exist. try adding some items to favorites then go back to the settings
i'm having problems getting iPlayer to work with this. i set iplayer into my favs then set tvshows submenu to it. go into tvshow submenu hightlight and select iPlayer screen goes blank then crashes Sad, any ideas ?
Should 'up' on Music do the same as Movies and TV Shows because I can't select the Latest Added?
Okay, so, I have two different Movie directories in my "Videos" section: Rifftrax Folder and Movies Folder. I want to make each one an option on the home screen, but it seems that the only way to do that is basically in "Library" mode - allowing me to see them and play them, but not do any of the advanced things like see the info pop-up. I'd like to make them both into areas like the standard "Movie" section, but I don't know how to work around it. I also don't want them combined.

Is this possible CF? If not, I can make Rifftrax a subcategory of the main "Movie" location, but I really don't want them in there.
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