Posts: 18,229
Joined: Aug 2007
Team-Kodi Member
Posts: 18,229
OK thanks.
One more thing, I can't for the life of me get conditional weather backdrops working.
Posts: 78
Joined: Dec 2008
Hi CF2009,
Thnx for the mod, it's really great.
Small question/feature request: would it be possible to add a "Search" on the main menu that would search everything in all libraries (music, tv and movies)?
Or a seach function on the submenus that would search the content of the main menu parent item?
I don't know if it's possible, but it would be very cool if you could add that.
Posts: 66
Joined: Jun 2009
Hi CF2009.....Amazing Work!!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this great mod.
I found an issue you may already know about, but wanted to post it here anyway. I added a new Home Menu item called "HomeMovies". When I return to the Home Menu you can see that the caption is too large so it scrolls the text (nicely), but this causes the shutdown option to basically hang XBMC and I must use the task manager to shut down the app. I found that if I rename it to "HomeMovie" it no longer scrolls and the Shutdown option works fine. Not sure I even want to have captions that scroll in my Home Menu, so I will probably leave it as is, but thought you should know about the issue.
I also noticed that when I exit from my Home Movies custom section that I have to go back two levels before I get to the Home Menu, it displays all of my sources first, then when I hit back a second time it returns to the home menu.
At any rate, I realize this is still beta so just trying to be helpful. Thanks again for all the great work...I am super excited to fully realize the potential of this great mod!