2009-07-19, 22:26
[MOD] Home customization
0.9.0v Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3704o_3z8A
i'm still tweaking some of the code like recently added music on the home screen as of right now it is only showing the last addad album. if you have any suggestions on how you would like recently added music to be please let me know.
See the demos below on how to add a custom link/item to the main/sub menus..
The mod has be tested and works with djh aeon on github and Hitcher aeon mods (as of 9/08/09)
Andyblac has been adding the mod to skin...
New simple Custom Home Menu Mod
Update 0.9.5bv on Github
This is not a update of the main mod but a simple version of it..
it was made to work with Hitcher skin mod
Added Features: 02/09/09
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...omMainMenu
Features: 30/08/09
Download Links 0.9.5bv
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...omMainMenu
Full Custom Home Menu Mod
Update 0.9.4v on Github [b]21/08/09[/b]
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.4
Update 0.9.4v on Github [b]17/08/09[/b]
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.4

0.9.3v Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpLpTLkLWfs
Update 0.9.3v on Github [b]09/08/09[/b]
Download Links 0.9.3v
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.3

0.9.2v Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wUvqVNxeT8
Update 0.9.2v on Github 03/08/09
Download Links 0.9.2v
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...mits/0.9.2

Update on Github 30/07/09
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.1
Update on Github 27/07/09
Features Overview:
* only if you do not have the Weather.com Plus Plugin
** Requires the Weather.com Plus Plugin
*** all items will need to be added to your favourites before you can add them to the main/sub menu....
New Weather Screen & Home Screen Forecasts
To get the new Weather forecasts for home and the weather screen you will first need to have installed the
"Weather.com Plus" Plugin (Nuka1195).You can download and install the "Weather.com Plus"
Plugin using the SVN Repo Installer, once installed go to settings-->weather-->Weather plugin and
pick "Weather.com Plus" so XBMC knows to run it as the default Weather plugin.
Animated Weather Icons
The animated weather icons need to be in a folder named icon in the skin media folder.
You can download the icon pack Thanks to Silverxxx from http://www.box.net/shared/yjxhc6yraj
Adding a item to the home menu
Demo1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkqQreNpRyg
Demo2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlWa_UDAOmY
Please bear in mine it's still in beta, if you find any problems or have suggestions please let me know.
here are some pics:

0.9.0v Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3704o_3z8A
i'm still tweaking some of the code like recently added music on the home screen as of right now it is only showing the last addad album. if you have any suggestions on how you would like recently added music to be please let me know.
See the demos below on how to add a custom link/item to the main/sub menus..
The mod has be tested and works with djh aeon on github and Hitcher aeon mods (as of 9/08/09)
Andyblac has been adding the mod to skin...
New simple Custom Home Menu Mod
Update 0.9.5bv on Github
This is not a update of the main mod but a simple version of it..
it was made to work with Hitcher skin mod
Added Features: 02/09/09
- The Recently Added mod Look from the main mod
- You can now play a album from the home screen (Recently Added mod)
- Miscellaneous fixes
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...omMainMenu
Features: 30/08/09
- 10 Custom links on the main menu
- option "Open Playlists"
it is now possible to add a playlist to the main menu and have it play or open (for viewing)...
"Open Playlists" = off (play playlist)
"Open Playlists" = on (open playlist)
you will need to set the option (open playlist on/off) before you add the playlist to the menu....
Download Links 0.9.5bv
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...omMainMenu
Full Custom Home Menu Mod
Update 0.9.4v on Github [b]21/08/09[/b]
- fix - 7day Weather mod was not work right with aeon (auriga)
- Added the favourites dialog XML
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.4
Update 0.9.4v on Github [b]17/08/09[/b]
- New Random Widget it works just like the Recently Added Widget, but it will show you 5 random unplayed movies/TV shows and 5 random albums..
- Recently Added Widget now works with albums see pictures below
- You can now play a full album from the home screen (Random/Recently Added Widget)
- Updated BBC News Widget to show a random top news storie...
- New Widget BBC On This day (http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/default.stm)
- Miscellaneous fixes
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.4

0.9.3v Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpLpTLkLWfs
Update 0.9.3v on Github [b]09/08/09[/b]
- Custom widgets for the Extras & Pictures menu items...
- You can now have widget(popups) for the first 2 Custom menu items..
- More Widgets to pick from:
- Andy ShowMix News
- Astronomy POTD
- BBC Click Twitter
- BBC iPlayer - TV Highlights
- BBC News
- BBC Sport
- Comingsoon
- Deviantart
- E-bay xbox
- Empireonline news
- Flickr-Festival Photos
- Giant Ocean Tank
- Inspiring Quotes
- Jokes Are Awesome
- Movies Com Releases
- Newest Apple Movie Trailers
- Radio1 Webcam
- Rotten Tomatoe
- Urban Dictionary
- if you can think of any you would like to see, just ask i will see what i can do
- Andy ShowMix News
- Added 7 day and alerts for home screen Weather popup, you will only see alerts in the sub menu if there is a alert... (thanks to Nuka1195)
- Updated extras.py with the new Alarm & Trailer settings (thanks to Nuka1195)
- Miscellaneous fixes
Download Links 0.9.3v
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.3

0.9.2v Preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wUvqVNxeT8
Update 0.9.2v on Github 03/08/09
- Reworked "recently added" for Movies, TV Shows on the home screen
- Reworked the home menu navigation...
- New option "Open Playlists"
it is now possible to add a playlist to the main/sub menus and have it play or open (for viewing)...
"Open Playlists" = off (play playlist)
"Open Playlists" = on (open playlist)
you will need to set the option (open playlist on/off) before you add the playlist to a menu....
- Added for a bit more fun a popup for Pictres it will show you the latest Image to be added to deviantart.com.
it's off by default so you will need to turn it on in the Aeon Mod settings..
- New option in Aeon Mod window to open up favourites so you can edit name's of items before you adding them to a menu....
- Miscellaneous fixes
Download Links 0.9.2v
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...mits/0.9.2

Update on Github 30/07/09
- Fixed Totals window overlapped the Rss bar
- Added fallback text for items with no plot
- I have added for a bit of fun a Random quote popup for the home menu what will show when you are on extras, the random quote is scrape from http://www.qotd.org/.
it's off by default so you will need to turn it on in the Aeon Mod settings..
github - http://github.com/cf2009/Aeon-Customisat...tree/0.9.1
Update on Github 27/07/09
- Added ",return" for non-folder paths
- Added a check to see if favourites.xml exists
- Ipdated the extras script to be faster thanks to Nuka1195
- Some other cosmetic work
- fixed
- Plot window overlapped the time bar
- Invalid include (thanks to andyblac)
- Home menu control bug
- Weather location button focus bug
- Added a check to see if the link being added is for Movies,TV Shows or video (file mode) then add the right setbool & reset
- video (file mode) then add the right setbool & reset
- Plot window overlapped the time bar
Features Overview:
- A new look for recently added movies, TV Shows, and Music on the Home Screen
- New Library Information for Movies, TV Shows, and Music on the Home Screen
- New customizable home menu items (you can add)***
- 10 Custom links on the main menu
- 4 Custom links in TV Shows submenu
- 4 Custom links in Movies submenu
- 4 Custom links in Music submenu
- 4 Custom links in Extras submenu
- 10 Custom links on the main menu
- Backgrounds for all your main menu custom items the same way you would for all the normal ones
- All main and sub menu links/items can be toggle on or off
- New Extras submenu for links/items you have toggle off on the main menu
- Programs
- Scripts
- Settings
- Shutdown
- Sign out
- Programs
- Main menu Lock turned on/off.
- Submenu can be turned on/off.
- Weather Backdrop by Current Weather Conditions
- New home weather popup thanks to Nuka1195 (http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=54368)
- 4 day (default) forecast
- Weekend forecast**
- 36 hour forecast**
- 4 day (default) forecast
- Choose what forecast to be used for the popup from the submenu**
- New Weather screen
- 10 day (default) forecast**
- 4 day forecast*
- Weekend forecast**
- 36 hour forecast**
- 10 day (default) forecast**
- Animated weather icons
- Submenu Mod
* only if you do not have the Weather.com Plus Plugin
** Requires the Weather.com Plus Plugin
*** all items will need to be added to your favourites before you can add them to the main/sub menu....
New Weather Screen & Home Screen Forecasts
To get the new Weather forecasts for home and the weather screen you will first need to have installed the
"Weather.com Plus" Plugin (Nuka1195).You can download and install the "Weather.com Plus"
Plugin using the SVN Repo Installer, once installed go to settings-->weather-->Weather plugin and
pick "Weather.com Plus" so XBMC knows to run it as the default Weather plugin.
Animated Weather Icons
The animated weather icons need to be in a folder named icon in the skin media folder.
You can download the icon pack Thanks to Silverxxx from http://www.box.net/shared/yjxhc6yraj
Adding a item to the home menu
Demo1 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkqQreNpRyg
Demo2 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlWa_UDAOmY
Please bear in mine it's still in beta, if you find any problems or have suggestions please let me know.
here are some pics: