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[LINUX] XBMC Setup Script - Automatic installation of XBMC for Linux
Too bad such a promising project to be treated like this...
Will say no more
<.. logging off...>Sad
Keep on going with your script, it is great and is just what plenty of people are looking for.

The script is great if you want to get a fast setup. If I want to learn linux I read a book or look at a step by step and google each step.

If some people use this script and fail, they cannot expect to get help. That is obvious.
Yes keep up the good work.

I had to set up my media center several times due to different issues and was so happy to stumble upon your script, because it saved me a lot of time!

I already thought about doing some personal adjustments, in case I have to set it up some time again.
Like copying my LIRC files into the correct dirs.

I really appreciate your script thanks.
althekiller Wrote:Oh dear...where to start. I'm sure your intentions were pure and all, but I simply can't condone the use of a tool such as this. The concept is sound, assuming everything goes as planned, but what if an error occurs? There's no useful output, no error checking at all, it's all extremely naive. How are we supposed to offer support to users who have no idea what they've done? Linux isn't Windows, the type of person who will find this script useful doesn't know that. How can they help us help them? If they had installed manually, not only would they know at what stage an error occurred, but they would have learned from all of the steps leading up to it. Users who aren't willing to learn a little bit to get what they want, aren't ready for Linux either.

So if you're ready to handle every support questions from every user who installs with this script, regardless of whether it applies directly to the script or not, great, we'll move the posts here. Otherwise, I'm going to have to discourage all users from installing with this method.

I'm sorry I have to be so discouraging on the matter. Hopefully you can find some other way to contribute you skills to the community.

Why this bashing? it's an useful script, which need to improve, but given his bash programming skills are practically inexistent it's a good start. Give him the chance to make it better!

(Also since bash is hell, strictly my opinion, maybe it's wise to use something nicer like python or ruby for the next release, nonetheless this idea should be expanded in a full blown project...)
at last some people came in to support this great idea....

Just want to say, I find your script very useful. I am about to re-build my system from scratch and will either use the script or use the content of the script for a manual install.

I just have one questions, why install xbmc-live in the last part of the script? I thought xbmc-live was for CD/DVD live boot stuff or am I wrong here?
XBMC-live package creates an xbmc user acount sets up some things and enable autostarting of xbmc.
Surely the are some more things it does that I dont know.
Thanks for great tutorial ans script!!! But for complete noobies thre is a need of additional steps. How to install torrent client with web access, how to share disk drive. It's simple from GUI but very hard from console.
Are you planning to extend your tutorial? Thanks again for a great job
Script works fine on Zotac ION.
Thx a lot.
I think is nice for people who don´t know Linux but want to use VDPAU.
And if u get Errors, then u can try do the steps of the script manual to find the Error.
Frozone Wrote:Script works fine on Zotac ION.
Thx a lot.
I think is nice for people who don´t know Linux but want to use VDPAU.
And if u get Errors, then u can try do the steps of the script manual to find the Error.

U said the magic word... VDPAU.... Laugh
Hello and thanks for the feedback!

Nice to hear my script has come usefull to people, that's the reason I made it public. I think people should be able to migrate to XBMC Linux without getting the punchline "If you can't Linux, stick to XBMC for Windows or simply the XBMC Live installer"

To clearify WHY I even migrated to XBMC Linux:
* IT'S FREE - all the way!
* Performance (VDPAU)
* Don't need high-end hardware to have a Media Center.
* Less/No risk of virus/spyware/etc
* Once the setup is complete, it just works! (except if you go for Bleeding Edge all the time)

The cons of course is:
* You need Linux knowledge if you are going to modify anything away from the standard
* Some software is not availible on Linux, without emulating. (etc uTorrent which i like)
* When you get problems, it could possible take alot of time figuring out if you're not known to Linux

XBMC Live didn't fullfill my needs, mainly because it takes your whole disk. I wanted an option to make partitions, decide for my own.

As always, if you want something to be customized exactly the way you want, you need to do it yourself. Hence you need to know what you are doing.
I fully understand that the XBMC Developers have to standarize their releases, that's the way it have to be. But by having this great XBMC community, the possibilites are almost endless.

Keep the feedback coming, and I will do my best to improve the script.
I'm going on holiday now, so I will gather up feedbacks and comments when I come back.

ASRock ION 330 | Onkyo TX-SR707 | KEF 2005.5 | Samsung LE-40F86 | Harmony 1000 Remote Control | XBMC Media Center Linux Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04
My XBMC Custom Installation script for Linux
I used ur script with a min install of ubuntu 32bit + SSH installed.

it worked flawlessly on my Asrock ION, i added the wii remote to it and edited
/etc/rc.local by adding xbmc-wiiremote & to the bottom of this file to enable
my wii remote w/o the need for a keyboard.

one question if ubuntu do eg a new kernel upgrade or even the nxt rls karmic koala when its out. would i just SSH into command line and type sudo apt get update
and it do it?
Mape Wrote:I used ur script with a min install of ubuntu 32bit + SSH installed.

it worked flawlessly on my Asrock ION, i added the wii remote to it and edited
/etc/rc.local by adding xbmc-wiiremote & to the bottom of this file to enable
my wii remote w/o the need for a keyboard.

one question if ubuntu do eg a new kernel upgrade or even the nxt rls karmic koala when its out. would i just SSH into command line and type sudo apt get update
and it do it?
To upgrade the kernel and other stuff you just do:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

To upgrade to koala (when it is out) you will probably do something like this:
sudo apt-get install update-manager-core
sudo do-release-upgrade
tnx , im still semi noob with the command line, in gnome i do it by update manager, but this setup is CLI only so has to be command line or nothing
Hi, Firstly many many thanks for the awesome script I love it as im a complete Linux noob and its helped me out loads.

However, being a noob I would like a desktop environment to be able to drop back into to copy and move files around and do other basic tasks which is much easier for me than CLI commands...

I have tried doing the following but have some issues.

Ive installed the minimal install cd choosing only ssh and samba, then ran the below script after completing the install and rebooting to create a bare minimum Gnome desktop environment, so essentially its a bare minimum Ubuntu Desktop Install:

echo "[*] Installing Gnome Essentials"
sudo apt-get -y install gnome-core gdm network-manager-gnome fast-user-switch-applet \
human-theme x11-xserver-utils tangerine-icon-theme gnome-themes-ubuntu ubuntu-artwork \
jockey-gtk gnome-screensaver gnome-utils
echo "[*] Installing Application Essentials"
sudo apt-get install -y gcalctool tsclient

(NB Is it easier to select one of the apps offered in the list during the cd install process to create a desktop environment? I tried selecting ubuntu desktop but it just installed a full blown ubuntu desktop with all the apps. which option do i select for a bare minimum Gnome desktop environment?)

Then I ran your script.

But what I get is XBMC auto runs and I cant exit XBMC and drop into the desktop? is your script basically causing gnome to be bypassed on startup and therefore not allowing me to get to it? if so can I simply start up Gnome if I drop out of XBMC into the command line, what command would I use to start Gnome up?

help please people this is driving me bonkers ive rebuilt the goddamn Revo about 10 times now trying to get it how I want it. Im sure there are many many others who would like a basic Gnome desktop environment to switch to when copying and moving files around, I cant be the only one!

Thanks in advance for any advice and please please keep the good work up with this script! Big Grin
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[LINUX] XBMC Setup Script - Automatic installation of XBMC for Linux4
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