2009-08-03, 08:10
Excellent XBMC people I have only two suggestions for the wiki right now:
Thanks for your time and consideration!
- In http://www.xbmc.org/wiki/index.php?title...ng_plugins it says the following:
"please also add a comment if it is known to contain Adult Content (18+year sexual): "
Well the keezmovies plugin is nothing but adult, but its not listed as such in the wiki(or in the plugin its self, but thats another forum/issue)
- Contacting the team via irc for ninja access
One the homepage (http://www.xbmc.org/wiki/?title=XBMC_Online_Manual) it states "ask for "Ninja" status on the wiki to get full write access, (the easiest way to get in touch is via #xbmc on freenode)"
Well I went to #xbmc and asked for the above edit or ninja access to do so publicly in the channel and left it idling for several hours(I'm guessing 8 but at least 4) and I can say from that experience that it definitely is not the easiest way, at least today it wasn't, and asking for it in the forum probably is, which if your still reading I'm doing so right now.
Thanks for your time and consideration!