Rotten Tomatoes Scraper
redtapemedia Wrote:Thanks for the support. I've submitted the first fully working version to trac and at the moment it's all info from RT, extra fields would be needed to be added to enable multiple ratings which is more than likely not the way the devs would like to go. I'm not so
sure about it either. However some feature I would like to get going in the future are a "tomatometer" type bar for skins and the ability to see if a movie is "fresh", "rotten" or "certified fresh". Bit one step at a time Wink

The box ofice taking is a good idea for my taste. Sometimes I like to find a mindless 50% blockbuster to watch vs. some mind bending art house movie scoring 100%
muzzakus Wrote:The box ofice taking is a good idea for my taste. Sometimes I like to find a mindless 50% blockbuster to watch vs. some mind bending art house movie scoring 100%

There would need to be changes made to XBMC itself in order to accomodate this. There is no field in the database for box office take.

I have a question for the devs regarding this though: I would like to incorporate the verdict (i.e, rotten, fresh, certified fresh) into the scraper. Is there a field that could be appropriated for this purpose already or would a new field need to be created?

I was thinking maybe the <top250> field might be appropriate, but I'm not sure what the limitations are.
The scraper fails to scrape from rottentomatoes (and instead scrapes from themoviedb) when you have a nfo next to your movie with a imdb link in it!
Can this be fixed? I have alot of movies with nfo's which i don't like to remove.
Scraper was missing needed regexp to match on imdb-ids. Fixed in SVN r25783.
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vdrfan Wrote:Scraper was missing needed regexp to match on imdb-ids. Fixed in SVN r25783.

Oops. Thanks vdrfan. Big Grin
The fanart/thumb messes up and uses the same art as the previous movie when your movie directories are not named "Movie (Year)".

For example
i have "Crank High Voltage (2009)", Finding Nemo, Sin City
It gives finding nemo and sin city the same art/thumb as crank. Refreshing individual movies does help but is not an option for 200 movies..
I am unable to reproduce. Please post a full debug log of that scan.
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I have same problem, same cover art for every movie with latest build and latest rotten tomatoes scraper? Everything else comes through, descriptions etc, I can see the cover art is being downloaded but then defauts to display the same art for first movie in folder. Any suggestions?
If noone can help with problem, could anybody please advise if they have rotten tomotoes working as default scraper on windows?? I have tried everything but always get the cover art / fanart of first scanned movie for all movies, regardless of folder / file structure.
Just so everyone knows, I'm working on getting this fixed for Dharma. It was majorly borked when Rotten Tomatoes did an overhaul on their website recently.

I've set up a project on my Github for this scraper and when it's ready I'll post a link and do a "pull" request for the admins.
I'm beginning to wonder if it is worthwhile continuing having this as a stand-alone scraper, for a few reasons:
  • The newer entries for movies on the RT site are light on actual movie information. Classification and any information bar cast and director is missing from many new entries.
  • Because not all of this information is available on all pages, it makes it far more difficult to successfully scrape. The layout of the HTML from page to page, making it harder to create a regex to cover all situations, as there are a lack of "hooks" in the underlying HTML.

There's a couple of solutions:
  • Keep the RT scraper as stand alone and pull information from other "common" scrapers OR
  • Pare it down to just ratings and maybe some other info, creating a common scraper for other scrapers to use RT ratings. This would mean the RT would not be stand alone, and would be used in conjunction with IMDB or TMDB for example.

Any thoughts?
redtapemedia Wrote:I'm beginning to wonder if it is worthwhile continuing having this as a stand-alone scraper, for a few reasons:

Any thoughts?

I think widdling it down to just ratings makes sense. I think IMDB and TMDB handle the plot/other info pretty well, but the RT ratings are still worthwhile.
Have a question? First try the XBMC online-manual and FAQ. Also: How to submit a debug log
I agree, keep things simple. Use IMDB and TVDB as regular scrapers, and RT for ratings.

Here's an example of RT being used in AppleTV.
Yeah, I'd love to be able to use IMDB for scraping with RT ratings.
I see slight chance we would approve this in the official scrapers(IMDb, tmdb). I mean going out and grab the rating from somewhere else (eg. RT).

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