Posts: 3,212
Joined: May 2008
Team-Kodi Member
Posts: 3,212
No, we already have an option in tmdb to grab imdb rating.
We can't have that for all the sites.
Vice versa might be a good idea.
Posts: 73
Joined: Jun 2011
This is probably a stupid question (but then, I'm new, so what other kind of question could I ask) but...
I have this add-on working and I love it. Thing is, I'm using Aeon65 as my skin, and when I look at the RT ratings in many of the views, they're still coming up labelled as "IMDB: _____" How do I edit the skin and/or language files so that it says, say, "Rotten Tomatoes" or "Tomato Meter" instead of "IMDB" next to the rating?