Rotten Tomatoes Scraper
olympia Wrote:I see slight chance we would approve this in the official scrapers(IMDb, tmdb). I mean going out and grab the rating from somewhere else (eg. RT).

Not even as a preference?

If not, may just have to do the reverse and get additional information from IMDB or TMDB using common.
No, we already have an option in tmdb to grab imdb rating.
We can't have that for all the sites.

Vice versa might be a good idea.
redtapemedia Wrote:Not even as a preference?

If not, may just have to do the reverse and get additional information from IMDB or TMDB using common.

Have you ever thought about re-purposing this as a script/plugin/whatever that will scrape the RT rating for an existing library?

i.e. main movie collection has already populated with IMDB/moviedb info, script runs and just does a replace with RT ratings.
booker88 Wrote:Have you ever thought about re-purposing this as a script/plugin/whatever that will scrape the RT rating for an existing library?

i.e. main movie collection has already populated with IMDB/moviedb info, script runs and just does a replace with RT ratings.

I think that'd confuse users unnecessarily. There are already common IMDB/TMDB scraper components for other scrapers to leverage, it's just a matter of me finding the time to finish this off properly. Making a script instead of a scraper just makes the whole thing murky and requires two steps instead of one. Scrape the movie, THEN run a script? Why not just scrape once and be done with it?
redtapemedia Wrote:I think that'd confuse users unnecessarily. There are already common IMDB/TMDB scraper components for other scrapers to leverage, it's just a matter of me finding the time to finish this off properly. Making a script instead of a scraper just makes the whole thing murky and requires two steps instead of one. Scrape the movie, THEN run a script? Why not just scrape once and be done with it?

Oh I agree. I was just scared that you weren't going to update the scraper at all anymore. And thought a 'partial' update would be better than none at all.

Please continue, there are a lot of us that want to see a return of useful ratings.
Good news....
The two threads above mine are pretty exciting Smile
NotShorty Wrote:The two threads above mine are pretty exciting Smile

The API is limited in the number of requests per API Key per 24 hours. I think off the top of my head 500 requests per day, but to look up a movie requires more than on request, because you need the list of movies, then the movie itself, etc.
I don't think I will be developing this any longer, Mortstar's scraper is along the same lines as what I was looking to evolve to. I had some work completed but RT changed the site layout again and broke it, and there is not a full set of reliable information for every movie; for example not all movies have writing credits or classification information, so the scraper "hooks" are a moving target. Better to supplement existing information with RT ratings, the same as Mortstar has done.
This is probably a stupid question (but then, I'm new, so what other kind of question could I ask) but...

I have this add-on working and I love it. Thing is, I'm using Aeon65 as my skin, and when I look at the RT ratings in many of the views, they're still coming up labelled as "IMDB: _____" How do I edit the skin and/or language files so that it says, say, "Rotten Tomatoes" or "Tomato Meter" instead of "IMDB" next to the rating?

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