[MOD] PM3:ClearArt Support for TV Episodes
This is a mod I put together that will display the new "ClearArt" by Reaven in the PM3_HD skin. (You can find out more, as well as get the clear art in THIS THREAD)

What it does:

The ClearArt will display when the video is paused, or when you bring up the info while watching a TV show.


- Simply copy the 2 files in the attached .rar file (DialogSeekBar.xml & DialogFullScreenInfo.xml) to your PM3 skin directory. Make a back-up of your files, just in case you do not like the changes.

- Next, you will need to download the ClearArt from the thread above.

- Lastly, make a new folder inside the skins Media folder called ClearArt.
For Example:
C:\Program Files\XBMC\skin\PM3_HD\media\ClearArt

And copy the clear art to that folder.

NOTE: The ClearArt must be named the same as the TV show the art is for.

For Instance:
For the show Grey's Anatomy, the file in the ClearArt folder should be named Grey's Anatomy.png

Please let me know what ya think of the mod.

Here is a screen capture of the results:


You can download the files here: PM3HD ClearArt Mod.rar
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nice not really for my use but nice all the same
Nice to see my MOD be support and port to other skins at last.
for all your clearArts needs and more go to XBMCStuff
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

*If like, thank user
Very nice
For some reason I can't get this to work. I copied the files to /skin/PM3.HD and created the /media/ClearArt folder. When I put Psych.png in there it doesn't show up when I play any episodes from the library. Is there a setting to enable?
There are two .xml files in that zip, make sure those go in your respective folder (720p, 480p etc)

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