This is a mod I put together that will display the new "ClearArt" by Reaven in the PM3_HD skin. (You can find out more, as well as get the clear art in THIS THREAD)
What it does:
The ClearArt will display when the video is paused, or when you bring up the info while watching a TV show.
- Simply copy the 2 files in the attached .rar file (DialogSeekBar.xml & DialogFullScreenInfo.xml) to your PM3 skin directory. Make a back-up of your files, just in case you do not like the changes.
- Next, you will need to download the ClearArt from the thread above.
- Lastly, make a new folder inside the skins Media folder called ClearArt.
For Example:
C:\Program Files\XBMC\skin\PM3_HD\media\ClearArt
And copy the clear art to that folder.
NOTE: The ClearArt must be named the same as the TV show the art is for.
For Instance:
For the show Grey's Anatomy, the file in the ClearArt folder should be named Grey's Anatomy.png
Please let me know what ya think of the mod.
Here is a screen capture of the results:

You can download the files here: PM3HD ClearArt Mod.rar
What it does:
The ClearArt will display when the video is paused, or when you bring up the info while watching a TV show.
- Simply copy the 2 files in the attached .rar file (DialogSeekBar.xml & DialogFullScreenInfo.xml) to your PM3 skin directory. Make a back-up of your files, just in case you do not like the changes.
- Next, you will need to download the ClearArt from the thread above.
- Lastly, make a new folder inside the skins Media folder called ClearArt.
For Example:
C:\Program Files\XBMC\skin\PM3_HD\media\ClearArt
And copy the clear art to that folder.
NOTE: The ClearArt must be named the same as the TV show the art is for.
For Instance:
For the show Grey's Anatomy, the file in the ClearArt folder should be named Grey's Anatomy.png
Please let me know what ya think of the mod.
Here is a screen capture of the results:

You can download the files here: PM3HD ClearArt Mod.rar