[WINDOWS] Can I use CoreAVC codec in XBMC?
A question I couldn't find conclusive answer to- Can I use CORE AVC codec in XBMC?

thx guys.
No. Not without using an external player at least.
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There is a google code project that I have used in the past: http://code.google.com/p/coreavc-for-linux/

You could use that in conjunction with the external play feature of XBMC. Though I've found XBMC to be sufficient for playback of HD material under Linux for about the last year or so.
Clumsy Wrote:No. Not without using an external player at least.

thank you for the quick response.
what's the downside of using an external player?
do i lose some of the features of XBMC playback? (for instance pop info while palying and such?)
Maxim Wrote:There is a google code project that I have used in the past: http://code.google.com/p/coreavc-for-linux/

You could use that in conjunction with the external play feature of XBMC. Though I've found XBMC to be sufficient for playback of HD material under Linux for about the last year or so.

thanks, i have a very old system- P4 2.4Ghz with ATI 9600 1.5GB of ram-
currently only way to smoothly play 720P is using coreAVC... (under vista though...),
do you think working with linux would realy make that much of a difference?
also, i didn't quite understand the intention of the google code project-
if it's a port of coreAVC for linux, how can i use it with XBMC?..
I use the external player - zoomplayer with coreavc codec.

Works great and I can watch 720p videos on my 2.4ghz cpu Smile
ssip96 Wrote:thank you for the quick response.
what's the downside of using an external player?
do i lose some of the features of XBMC playback? (for instance pop info while palying and such?)

You will lose all of the features of XBMC playback. The external player function causes a separate player to pop-up over XBMC. While the video is playing, you essentially aren't using xbmc at all.
ssip96 Wrote:i didn't quite understand the intention of the google code project-
if it's a port of coreAVC for linux, how can i use it with XBMC?..
Sorry, I thought I was looking at the Linux support forums. Smile I appears that you're using XBMC in Windows so my response is invalid. Smile
zag2me Wrote:I use the external player - zoomplayer with coreavc codec.

Works great and I can watch 720p videos on my 2.4ghz cpu Smile

hmm.. but this way as stated above i lose all functions of XBMC...

will using XBMC on linux be better on my system and enable me to use the port of coreAVC or enable smoother playback somehow?
You will very soon be able to use Core and FFDSHOW in XBMC on Windows. I did exactly that using Kricker's DX builds yesterday.

Not quite ready for prime time but very close.
jimbosis Wrote:You will very soon be able to use Core and FFDSHOW in XBMC on Windows. I did exactly that using Kricker's DX builds yesterday.

Not quite ready for prime time but very close.

that would be AWESOME. thx for the update... hope it'll happen soon.. cause that's the only way i would be able to enjoy XBMC on my current machine apparently...
OMG. jimbosis; congrats for posting the least informed post EVER. it's quite an accomplishment!
jimbosis Wrote:You will very soon be able to use Core and FFDSHOW in XBMC on Windows.

No you won't.
Go jimbosis!

I'm totally psyched! kick the establishment in the nuts Wink


I'm anxiously awaiting release ;p
althekiller Wrote:No you won't.

why the negative attitude ?

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[WINDOWS] Can I use CoreAVC codec in XBMC?0
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