[WINDOWS] Can I use CoreAVC codec in XBMC?
because jimbosis took that completely out of his ass. the kricker builds are using directx but that has feck all to do with direct show.
I'm the team pessimist and skeptic, how else do you expect me to act?

EDIT: That and I'm pretty sure the team consensus is that dshow is utter trash.
althekiller Wrote:I'm the team pessimist and skeptic, how else do you expect me to act?

EDIT: That and I'm pretty sure the team consensus is that dshow is utter trash.

i thought coreAVC's one of the more respected codecs out there...

anyhow without support in other codecs... how's one supposed to enjoy the benefits of XBMC with an older machine?..
ssip96 Wrote:how's one supposed to enjoy the benefits of XBMC with an older machine?..

(modern) NVidia GPU + Linux = VDPAU
ssip96 Wrote:hmm.. but this way as stated above i lose all functions of XBMC...

will using XBMC on linux be better on my system and enable me to use the port of coreAVC or enable smoother playback somehow?

What functions do you need? Smile I use an external player to view videos, pause, ffwd, rrwd, resume thats all. There is no difference that I can notice. Infact I prefer the zoomplayer OSD, its beautiful.
coreavc respected? HA. cheating closed source commercial POS
spiff Wrote:coreavc respected? HA. cheating closed source commercial POS

well it's still the most efficient HD codec out there so yeah...

any codec that would run HD contents that well on my ancient machine earns my respect.
zag2me Wrote:What functions do you need? Smile I use an external player to view videos, pause, ffwd, rrwd, resume thats all. There is no difference that I can notice. Infact I prefer the zoomplayer OSD, its beautiful.

show/movie info while playing, skip 30/60/120 secs ect...
disable the loop filter in ffmpeg (which is where most of the speed of coreavc sterns from) and the differences are not all that big at all.
spiff Wrote:disable the loop filter in ffmpeg (which is where most of the speed of coreavc sterns from) and the differences are not all that big at all.

will try that and report results- thanks for the advice.
any other ways to improve playback?
would linux HD playback be smoother?
spiff Wrote:disable the loop filter in ffmpeg (which is where most of the speed of coreavc sterns from) and the differences are not all that big at all.
Is it doable in XBMC somehow? Just for testing purposes...

Also, am I wrong in stating that CoreAVC "cheats" only if you enable deblocking skip?
ashlar Wrote:Is it doable in XBMC somehow? Just for testing purposes...

Also, am I wrong in stating that CoreAVC "cheats" only if you enable deblocking skip?

advancedsettings -> skiploopfilter

search the forums for skiploopfilter, details are there. It's used on AppleTV installs where the default is 8.
ubiq Wrote:(modern) NVidia GPU + Linux = VDPAU

Sure, Linux. Tried that and HATE it. For a windows user servers and all stuff, linux aren't that easy to work with. Just try to understand that...
Linux have many years of work behind it self now, but still you need to use "command prompt" to get basic stuffs going.

I tried for 4 days after I bought my ASRock ION 330, to use linux for VDPAU, but... no... W7 are toooo easy to use to ignore it.
If I have trouble to use linux, how wouldn't my gal have it?

ssip96 Wrote:i thought coreAVC's one of the more respected codecs out there...

anyhow without support in other codecs... how's one supposed to enjoy the benefits of XBMC with an older machine?..

All'in'1 solution, No external players... IF XBMC could use VDPAU, it should manage to use DXVA to.... Rolleyes pleaase...

zag2me Wrote:What functions do you need? Smile I use an external player to view videos, pause, ffwd, rrwd, resume thats all. There is no difference that I can notice. Infact I prefer the zoomplayer OSD, its beautiful.

I got an answer to that. Girlsfriends. If they have used an old XBOX with XBMC on it for many years and then have to learn one thing more, it gets complicated. So why even use an external player if you don't need it?

I've noticed that there are many users out there who use windows and doesn't have the skill to set up a system with XBMC and external players with codecs.
I can, but have problems sometimes doing that, but I manage.

I want ease as much as I am willing to donate a big sum if I get it. That because I will use W7 and XBMC on my ASRock ION 330.
I hope for DXVA or something else in a bundle. It girlfriend friendly and and user friendly ...

I'm not alone or am I?

McGilljam Wrote:I'm not alone or am I?

No - you are not alone Wink I'm alo prefer to use well known Windows OS (in my case Win7). Hope we'll get sometimes XBMC with DXVA.
But when - that's question....
any updates on this topic?..

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