[WINDOWS] Can I use CoreAVC codec in XBMC?
neil.j1983 Wrote:surely he could be doing something else which is using some cpu? Unless he doesnt have a dxva card, and is showing that its using the correct decoder, but not actually using dxva.
I dont really know if its an effective number because im using the same technique as the dvdplayer cpu usage but it is really really different from this player. I will have to adjust does specs its another thing i will have to code
tiben20 Wrote:I dont really know if its an effective number because im using the same technique as the dvdplayer cpu usage but it is really really different from this player. I will have to adjust does specs its another thing i will have to code

brilliant work nonetheless!
tiben20 Wrote:I dont really know if its an effective number because im using the same technique as the dvdplayer cpu usage but it is really really different from this player. I will have to adjust does specs its another thing i will have to code

Awesome !!! Thanks for putting in the time to make this happen.
I have a D945GCLF board, which I'd like to use for XBMC, and be able to watch 720p on it. I already tried it: XBMC built-in codecs need a faster machine, but CoreCodec's CoreAVC works great. I know it's not free, but at $10 it's much better than buying a new ION system.

So, is it possible to use CoreAVC to watch H.264/AVC content on XBMC? I don't mind using Windows or Linux (yes, you can use CoreAVC on Linux but it needs Wine http://code.google.com/p/coreavc-for-linux/ )

It's been a while since I used CoreAVC (cause I was using a Core2 Duo machine with VLC which works perfectly), but I think if I disable FFDShow's H.264/AVC support, apps that used the system's codecs would use CoreAVC for decoding.

On a side note: No, I'm not getting an ION machine. They don't sell them in my country, I can't order it online, and even if I could, shipping+customs would make the price 3x the cost of the board in the USA. I'm stuck with this Atom 230. It doesn't have PCI-E either so I can't get a Nvidia card either.

I searched the forum already. Some of the threads where many years old, while the newer ones didn't have any useful info.

XBMC can't use external codecs, but it can be configured to use an external application like CoreAVC to play video. See http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...a_playback for details. I recall finding this article a little intimidating on first reading, so if you want me to post a sample playercorefactory.xml just shout.

You could also use CoreAVC with DSPlayer branch of XBMC


But before you do that if your seeing good results with CoreAVC using CPU alone you might want to try using one of the skip loop filter settings in Advancedsettings.xml see how XBMC is with 720p after that 48 will give best performance but will give a slight drop in quality but you may not notice it

thanks guys, I'll try that then.

The problem I have with XBMC's codecs appears with ... "Green ogre the third" (the one who's a friend of a donkey and a cat), for example. It's a 2.2GB file I think, so the bitrate is not that high. At the first scene, the character is (pretending) to ride a horse, so the background pans really fast. Audio starts going out of sync, until he stops. When he does, his lips start moving really fast until it catches up with the audio.

Then I tried a 9GB version of "super heros trying to avoid nuclear war" (the one with the blue guy, the other with ink blots for a face, you know), this one dropped a lot of frames even in low-motion scenes. This version might be a really bad re-encode though,as it includes the original DTS audio and 2 spanish tracks (latin america and spain, one of which sounds like a CAM version)

As a side note, I couldn't get a tiny case for my board (smaller I can get here is MicroATX, the D945GCLF is much smaller than that). So I'm modding my TV to fit the mobo and a standard ATX PSU inside the TV. Will post pics of my XBMC-enabled TV. (In case you're wondering: yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. I actually am an official Philips service technician for my area. Down here we do fix electronics down to component-level, and this is nothing compared to my everyday which includes desoldering and re-soldering 100+ pin SMD components)
>>X<<' Wrote:You could also use CoreAVC with DSPlayer branch of XBMC


OK, just finished playing with that thing - lots of tweaking to make it work. I tried to make it use Haali like the default CoreAVC install does, no luck (it wont play, xbmc.log says something about an audio error). When I use mkvsource/mkvsplitter and change the codec to coreavc, I get about 12fps

Quote:But before you do that if your seeing good results with CoreAVC using CPU alone you might want to try using one of the skip loop filter settings in Advancedsettings.xml see how XBMC is with 720p after that 48 will give best performance but will give a slight drop in quality but you may not notice it


that worked much better than the default. Ogre movie runs smoothly now but the superheros movie still hiccups on fast pans and zooms.
you hardware is too weak. get something more beefy, or get a gpu to do the decode.
spiff Wrote:you hardware is too weak. get something more beefy, or get a gpu to do the decode.

yeah thats the first thing I said, I can't get a faster board (probably a D945GCLF2 which is a dual-core, maybe that will make 720p a lil smoother, but still won't do 1080p. While my tv is not 1080p, I'd like to future-proof a little). It will probably take 6-12 months for the ION boards to arrive to my country -- if ever. For example, VIA EPIA boards never made it here.

Most online retailers don't ship to my country and even if they do, standard shipping rates start at USD 100. Customs here is 50% so if I get, say, a $200 board + $100 shipping + $150 tax, thats $450 I don't really have (and I could pay 1 year of DirecTV+ with the HD DVR with that money).

I also can't add a GPU for two reasons: this card only has 1 PCI slot, and I fitted it inside my LCD. There's no room for a card inside.

So I guess I'll have to watch HD on Media Player Classic? CoreAVC works great when on MPC but sucks inside XBMC.
so I been trying to get this to work and I'm to much of a noob here and cant seem to get it. wondering if you could share your xml fiels

jhsrennie Wrote:XBMC can't use external codecs, but it can be configured to use an external application like CoreAVC to play video. See http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW...a_playback for details. I recall finding this article a little intimidating on first reading, so if you want me to post a sample playercorefactory.xml just shout.

I don't have a copy of CoreAVC, but I would guess that the player is CorePlayer. Is there a Start menu link for this? You need to work out what to type in a command prompt to get CorePlayer to play a file e.g. it might be something like:

"C:\Program Files\CoreAVC\CorePlayer.exe" myfilm.mkv

You can get the executable name by right clicking the Start menu shortcut and choosing Properties, then look in the "Target" field. If you can work out how to play a video from the command line then copy and paste that command here and I'll post a playercorefactory.xml that will work.

hjf2010 Wrote:yeah thats the first thing I said, I can't get a faster board (probably a D945GCLF2 which is a dual-core, maybe that will make 720p a lil smoother, but still won't do 1080p. While my tv is not 1080p, I'd like to future-proof a little). It will probably take 6-12 months for the ION boards to arrive to my country -- if ever. For example, VIA EPIA boards never made it here.

Most online retailers don't ship to my country and even if they do, standard shipping rates start at USD 100. Customs here is 50% so if I get, say, a $200 board + $100 shipping + $150 tax, thats $450 I don't really have (and I could pay 1 year of DirecTV+ with the HD DVR with that money).

I also can't add a GPU for two reasons: this card only has 1 PCI slot, and I fitted it inside my LCD. There's no room for a card inside.

So I guess I'll have to watch HD on Media Player Classic? CoreAVC works great when on MPC but sucks inside XBMC.

Since it's in your TV now this is probably no use but there are PCI cards available (not PCI-E). I have a PCI PNY GeForce 8400GS 512MB. Cost about £50 (~80 USD) here in the UK so that should give you an idea of the cost. Have a look for one.

You could use a PCI riser card/cable to be able to fit the card in your TV system.
I'm using XBMC Dharma Beta 3. I read a lot of threads about this but I'm quite confused. Is there any simple way to use CoreAVC for decoding mkv videos in XBMC? I'm not very skillful in xml. Could someone give me step by step instructions how to make it work, please? THANKS
DS Player is what you need:

have phun

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