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Joined: Sep 2010
thanks guys, I'll try that then.
The problem I have with XBMC's codecs appears with ... "Green ogre the third" (the one who's a friend of a donkey and a cat), for example. It's a 2.2GB file I think, so the bitrate is not that high. At the first scene, the character is (pretending) to ride a horse, so the background pans really fast. Audio starts going out of sync, until he stops. When he does, his lips start moving really fast until it catches up with the audio.
Then I tried a 9GB version of "super heros trying to avoid nuclear war" (the one with the blue guy, the other with ink blots for a face, you know), this one dropped a lot of frames even in low-motion scenes. This version might be a really bad re-encode though,as it includes the original DTS audio and 2 spanish tracks (latin america and spain, one of which sounds like a CAM version)
As a side note, I couldn't get a tiny case for my board (smaller I can get here is MicroATX, the D945GCLF is much smaller than that). So I'm modding my TV to fit the mobo and a standard ATX PSU inside the TV. Will post pics of my XBMC-enabled TV. (In case you're wondering: yes, I know exactly what I'm doing. I actually am an official Philips service technician for my area. Down here we do fix electronics down to component-level, and this is nothing compared to my everyday which includes desoldering and re-soldering 100+ pin SMD components)
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Team-Kodi Member
Posts: 12,706
you hardware is too weak. get something more beefy, or get a gpu to do the decode.
Posts: 7,256
Joined: Nov 2008
I don't have a copy of CoreAVC, but I would guess that the player is CorePlayer. Is there a Start menu link for this? You need to work out what to type in a command prompt to get CorePlayer to play a file e.g. it might be something like:
"C:\Program Files\CoreAVC\CorePlayer.exe" myfilm.mkv
You can get the executable name by right clicking the Start menu shortcut and choosing Properties, then look in the "Target" field. If you can work out how to play a video from the command line then copy and paste that command here and I'll post a playercorefactory.xml that will work.
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Joined: Oct 2010
I'm using XBMC Dharma Beta 3. I read a lot of threads about this but I'm quite confused. Is there any simple way to use CoreAVC for decoding mkv videos in XBMC? I'm not very skillful in xml. Could someone give me step by step instructions how to make it work, please? THANKS