[WINDOWS] Can I use CoreAVC codec in XBMC?
If your not good at configuring stuff your not going to like the DSPlayer branch of XBMC why do you want to use CoreAVC what graphics card do you have doesn't it support DXVA ?
>>X<<' Wrote:If your not good at configuring stuff your not going to like the DSPlayer branch of XBMC why do you want to use CoreAVC what graphics card do you have doesn't it support DXVA ?

I just bought CoreAVC year ago so I thought I will use it. OK no problem, my GC supports DXVA. Thanks guys
Well you can use it with DSPlayer I actually have this set up for someone on an ION system using CoreAVC with CUDA enabled but if you have no real reason to use it and your not that good at configuring stuff then there's really no advantage in doing so
>>X<<' Wrote:Well you can use it with DSPlayer I actually have this set up for someone on an ION system using CoreAVC with CUDA enabled but if you have no real reason to use it and your not that good at configuring stuff then there's really no advantage in doing so

So if one is using DXVA with the built in xbmc player, performance won't increase through using coreAVC (or ffdshow) with dxva?

(the reason i ask is, i have a particular video that i just CANNOT get to play properly using the built in player with dxva)
I did say if you have no real reason if that file plays in another player using CoreAVC then that would be a reason right ?

Or find out why that file doesn't play maybe it just needs a remux

I just played some with the xbmc dharma 4 I like how it looks and such but
I cant say HD content plays fluently onhere (2x2.8Ghz cpy + gf9400 cuda)
(Avatar 1080) does not realy stutter its rather as if playback speeds is'nt consistent or something.

I had worse results in the past with standard codec packs and such.
I found BSplayer and coreavc to solve the stuttering i had in the past.

So I wonder is there wasnt any way or any plans for the future to allow xbmc to use external filters (ffdshow) wich allows people to use things like coreavc.

Komerad Wrote:So I wonder is there wasnt any way or any plans for the future to allow xbmc to use external filters (ffdshow) wich allows people to use things like coreavc.


I'm using external decoders using DSPlayer branch...
usually between 5-15% CPU (CUDA ON)
I'll give dsplayer a try..

Just had a fail with trying to do it with bsplayer.

playercorefactory.xml in userdata
   <player name="BSPlayerPro" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
     <filename>C:\Program Files (x86)\Webteh\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe</filename>
     <args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>
<rules action="prepend">
  <rule video="true" player="player="BSPlayerPro"/>

Btw the info on top on your screenshot what enables the display of it?
the letter 'O'
Thx for the info.

I don't get this to work tho.


Don't have dsplayer folder inside system, nor do they have any config button fordsplayer. I tried to add things manualy wo success. I asume dsplayer does not work on dharma's.

XBMCSetup-Rev33619-dx.exe (latest dsplayer related xbmc build) This one does has the dsplayer folder. Also gives the a dll error on start (xp64)

Dsplayer version : 0889 lite.

Made sure filtersconfig.xml includes :
<filter name="haali" type="source">
  <osdname>Haali Media Splitter</osdname>

and mediasconfig.xml changed :

    <rule filetypes="mkv">
      <source filter="mkvsource" />
      <splitter filter="mkvsplitter" />
      <video filter="mpcvideodec" />
      <audio filter="ffdaudiodec" />

To :

    <rule filetypes="mkv">
<source filter="haali" />
<splitter filter="haali" />
      <video filter="ffdvideodec" />
      <audio filter="ffdaudiodec" />

Added advancedsettings.xml to userdata folder


eeeh anything suggestions on whats wrong and how to solve?
What versions are you using?

EDIT : I am using bsplayerpro with haali splitter, fddshow and coreavc so each of those work propperly for mkv's.

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[WINDOWS] Can I use CoreAVC codec in XBMC?0
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