uPNP problems sometime after rev21142
Weird... Must be some race-condition or timing issue since afaik there is no relation between the webserver & UPnP.... I'd suggest creating a bug report about it but resolving this will be hard and I for one can't fix this since I don't have the environment (nor the time to set it up).....
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
Out of interest, was the initial bug mentioned at the start of this thread fixed then re-introduced or something? People have been complaining about UPnP troubles since last year, but the revisions joshuaali mentioned are only a couple of months old.
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You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me :P
arnova Wrote:Weird... Must be some race-condition or timing issue since afaik there is no relation between the webserver & UPnP.... I'd suggest creating a bug report about it but resolving this will be hard and I for one can't fix this since I don't have the environment (nor the time to set it up).....

So how can we help to resolve this issue? The log is known, but i guess this is not enough.

I can open a but report but i guess there is already a bug created and i would reopen this one, but i do not know which one is it...
<Oops. Posted this to the wrong thread. Post removed.>
Has anyone tried the latest T3CH build to see if the adding a uPNP source problem has been resolved?
Just tried T3CH XBMC 2010-04-27 SVN rev29407 - still the same issue with UPnP. Tried with the HTTP control off and on, froze both times.
I wound up reverting to the Jan 03 T3CH build. It doesn't seem to have the UPnP problems and seems to work best with my PlayON server.

So iv got the same problem while running the r29407 version of april 1010. Xbox freezes when I try to search for upnp servers.
Putting my logdump in here hoping it could help. But as stated, by enabling http upnp wil be able to add folders. Just http it and no need to change the values.
BUT by enabling upnp my xbox seems to freeze every few minutes anyway, so something is realy wrong with this version.
So im downgrading to see if it helps.

teresa Wrote:I wound up reverting to the Jan 03 T3CH build. It doesn't seem to have the UPnP problems and seems to work best with my PlayON server.


So I tried this build.
It hasent got the freeze where you add the upnp, but using upnp om this still seems to freeze my xbox after just a few minutes.
Anyone have any ideas?
Im curently using windows media connect 2 to the upnp.
I've tried every build since 1/17/10 and they all lockup my xbox.XBMC(s) when I try to enable upnp. Doesn't matter whether client or server. This is most unfortunate, since both my xbox's also have LCDs, which don't work on the 1/17/10 release. Talk about catch-22! Sigh, at least I can access my NAS drive with the 1/17/10 release, even if there is only a blank LCD to inform me as to what's currently playing...
I just updated to sshcs's Xbox build 30831. With UPnP and HTTP servers enabled, I am still able to stream media to UPnP clients.
Instead of reporting that it still doesn't work, one should figure out the exact revision this broke else it will never get fixed.....
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-
I did, a few pages ago, but there weren't any UPnP-related changes in between the two.

After that particular revision, it still works but only with the unrelated HTTP server enabled.

I'm saying that it works right now, although whether or not the suggested solution is an acceptable workaround is a different story.
Doesn't matter whether the changes looked to be related. Pinpointing the build that introduced the problem will help pinpoint the problem itself.

Let's see, according to your prior post, the first Xbox revision known to fail should be 27279, and the last known to work would be 27241.

Quote:Revision: 27279
Author: arnova
Date: 3:10:17 AM, Saturday, 30 January 2010
[XBOX] changed: Get rid of this log spam
Modified : /branches/xbox/xbmc/cores/DllLoader/exports/emu_socket.cpp

Revision: 27278
Author: arnova
Date: 3:06:02 AM, Saturday, 30 January 2010
[XBOX] changed: Don't have weather wait for the network, just retry later on
Modified : /branches/xbox/xbmc/utils/Weather.cpp

Revision: 27277
Author: arnova
Date: 3:04:51 AM, Saturday, 30 January 2010
[XBOX] Forgot 2 files
Modified : /branches/xbox/xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/DVDInputStreams/DVDInputStreamRTMP.cpp
Modified : /branches/xbox/xbmc/lib/libGoAhead/XBMChttp.cpp

Revision: 27276
Author: arnova
Date: 3:03:33 AM, Saturday, 30 January 2010
[XBOX] removed: CHTTP class. It was deprecated in favor of CFileCurl a long time ago
Deleted : /branches/xbox/xbmc/utils/HTTP.cpp
Deleted : /branches/xbox/xbmc/utils/HTTP.h
Modified : /branches/xbox/xbmc.vcproj
XBMC Manual - BlackBolt - SVN Guide - Skin SVN - Wide Icon SVN - ROM Shortcut Generator
You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me :P
One could try to revert r27276 + r27277. This is my best bet, though it would still be a sort-of a workaround...
-= Team Kodi developer fueled by heavy metal =-

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uPNP problems sometime after rev211420
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