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[REQUEST] Sirius Script or Plugin? - Satellite internet radio streams online player?
so i’m just a little confused. you have to actually sign up for a user account to use this script since it requests a user name and pass word? and if so could you provide a link to do so? thanks allot man.
i've been playing with this script for a few days now, but no matter what i try, i cannot get it to work. i am running the xbmc build from 7/7/05, and sirius script version 0.4. i have edited runsirius.py to include my username and password. i have also changed the "unknown type cache - internet" setting to 256k and 0k. when i run the script, nothing happens... at all. from the main menu where the script is linked, and also from the scripts menu there is a link. both times, it gives no error, no change in behavior, no screen freeze to indicate anything is happening. when run from the "file browser"-type menu, it says "(running)" next to runsirius.py, but then it disappears and nothing happens. just... nothing. other python scripts work (or don't work and got fixed).

does anyone have any suggestions? i have checked to make sure the case was not altered (it was not) and that there are no weird control characters in any of the files (there aren't). :help:
a big "thank you" to mike rosack, the script's author, for helping to show my error. in the .py file, you must enclose the username and password in quotation marks. mike says single- or double-quotes both work, i used single-quotes.

thanks, mike!
where do you get a user name and password?
i was wondering if any one has made any updates to the sirius script? i am looking for some background images or a better layout of the menus, i would do it myself however i know nothing of python scripting. it would be cool if the script could look like the real online ver, so something close to it.

i wouldn't mind seeing streaming sirius radio through xbmc so that you can listen through your home stereo without having to buy another sirius box to hook up. thanks
there was a sirius script that worked like a champ.  unfortunately, sirius has changed how you listen online and now requires interaction (you have to type in the characters you see on the screen) which effectively killed the script.

but look here, looks like there is an updated script:

I just began experimenting with XBMC this past weekend. So far I am absolutely in love with it. My only question is... Does anyone still have the XBMCSirius script working? I downloaded the latest version which is 1.2 and it just keeps telling me that I need to edit the script and put my username and password in there. I have already done that, but it still seems to think I haven't. I am assuming the script no longer works, but I just wanted to make sure.
I just downloaded it the other day and have had no problems with it. I am new to this but I have some experience editing XML files can you send it to me and I can look at it for you. Mine logs me right on. Buy the way did you delet the old one out of the Scripts folder on the xbox then load the new one.
Ray :cool:
Fix for the song title and artist display in XBMCSirius:

Edit SiriusBase.py and change the last function in the file to this:
# Get what's playing info from DogStar Radio
    def getSongInfo(self):
        dogstarUrl = "http://www.dogstarradio.com/channelrss/" + str(self.channelData['number']) + ".txt"
        songInfo = {'artist':'',
        return songInfo
Thanks! The fix works great.

When I run this sirius script, it seems to stop after about an hour. Has anyone else experienced this behaviour?
Sirius web streaming stops after about 60 minutes and presents an "are you still there" message to prevent people from streaming non-stop 24/7 and chewing up their bandwidth.

The Sirius Yahoo Widget designer seems to have figured out a way around it, but this script has not.
deepblue Wrote:Sirius web streaming stops after about 60 minutes and presents an "are you still there" message to prevent people from streaming non-stop 24/7 and chewing up their bandwidth.

The Sirius Yahoo Widget designer seems to have figured out a way around it, but this script has not.

Dang, that's quite annoying.
I have a valid Sirius account - I have a radio in my car and can also listen on the net when I login. There was a newer script writtenfor Sirius Canada which I loaded about 2 months ago. It was working fine (all I had to do first was update the runsirius.py file with my userid and password). I just tried it aghain recently, and it now gets hung on the 'downloading file' screen after I select the radio station. Does anyone know if Sirius made some chnages to their websites which made both the Sirius USA and SDirius Canada scripts stop working?
I just installed the Sirius USA script, and got a 3 day userid and password setup. Prior to the Sirius Canada script, this other method worked fine, but only for 34 days at a time - I would have to also setup a new dummy email address and get a new temp account each time.

Though, even under the Sirius USA script, I get the same effect. The script logs me in, and allows me to see the genres, categories, stations, etc. The problem happens once I select any radio station - I get a "Loading... Please wait" message which never goes away. I've even left it over night to see if something would ever load, but it never does. At this "loading.." screen, it also prevents me from hitting any button to get out - I hear clicks when I hit various buttons but nothing actually gets me out of the message without shutting down.

Can someone please confirm that their Sirius script is still working? I think Sirius made some change to their website that may have made the script no good.

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[REQUEST] Sirius Script or Plugin? - Satellite internet radio streams online player?0
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