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[REQUEST] Sirius Script or Plugin? - Satellite internet radio streams online player?
Just curious as to whether or not anyone has modified the sirius plugin previously available to work with dharma beta 4? I've looked through several posts about it, but none confirming that it works with the new beta...

On that note, perhaps it would be a good idea to filter the releases out and identify which releases are compatible with dharma and which need work to integrate. It would literally be "untangling the snakepit" allowing developers to see what needs to be updated, as well as separating usable addons from dead end scripts...
Silverstone Case with Windows 7 HTPC(considering Ubuntu) with Biostar TA790GX A3+ w/ Quad-core Phenom 2 processor, 8GB DDR3 G-Skill Ripjaw RAM, Zotac nvidia gt430 gpu w/hdmi 1.4a, Pioneer BD-S02 Bluray Combo drive, Mygica HD Thriller ATSC/NTSC Clear QAM Hybrid PCI PVR card, USB-UIRT, Onkyo HT-S9300THX 7.1 System, 50" Panasonic Viera 3DTV (TC-P50GT25), Verizon Fios with Motorola HD DVR, XBOX 360 w/ Kinect, Panasonic DMP-BDT100 FullHD 3D Bluray Player, X10 NStinct Remote
modernninja Wrote:On that note, perhaps it would be a good idea to filter the releases out and identify which releases are compatible with dharma and which need work to integrate. It would literally be "untangling the snakepit" allowing developers to see what needs to be updated, as well as separating usable addons from dead end scripts...

I think the plan is for supported addons to be available through the addon manager, so if an addon isn't available through the addon manager it's not supported.

I doubt the XBMC team will be scooping up old addons and porting them. This would be up to the authors, or if the author is no longer interested, some other volunteer.

I was just saying that it would be more likely that a developer would pick up an older addon to port to dharma if it were more easily found...most of the forums include information posted and reposted ten times over...would be nice to archive the older useless information, and keep camelot addons in a separate index where they would be more easily found for the purposes of development.

As it is, the forums look like they havn't been dealt with in quite some time, in regards to organization(I hesitate to say it looks like a crackhead is organizing them, because I realize that there isn't much time to invest in forum organization). I realize that the developers are interested in putting dharma out as a finished product, but I think it might be a good idea for someone to take the time to reorganize the forums so that it's easier to figure out what is relevant and what isn't.
Silverstone Case with Windows 7 HTPC(considering Ubuntu) with Biostar TA790GX A3+ w/ Quad-core Phenom 2 processor, 8GB DDR3 G-Skill Ripjaw RAM, Zotac nvidia gt430 gpu w/hdmi 1.4a, Pioneer BD-S02 Bluray Combo drive, Mygica HD Thriller ATSC/NTSC Clear QAM Hybrid PCI PVR card, USB-UIRT, Onkyo HT-S9300THX 7.1 System, 50" Panasonic Viera 3DTV (TC-P50GT25), Verizon Fios with Motorola HD DVR, XBOX 360 w/ Kinect, Panasonic DMP-BDT100 FullHD 3D Bluray Player, X10 NStinct Remote
Anyone know if there is an addon made for SIRIUS
I doubt there is. At least I haven't heard of one yet but to those that are a little more experienced with python here's a jumping off point to get started: http://code.google.com/p/pysirius/
Hi all,
Ive recently started using XBMC on my htpc.. and it looks sweet !
I'd also like to get Sirius radio working on it.
Previous to the addition of a htpc, I was using a media extender box with GB-PVR. In this setup, I was using SiriusXMStreamer to generate the auth and stream of Sirius into GBPVR.
SiriusXMStreamer took care of the logon and stream details, and presented as a playlist (I think) which GBPVR could handle.
Is it possible that we could also have the same function with XBMC ?

The site for SiriusXMStreamer is http://www.permanence.com/sirius/
but oddly, it seems to be down (hopefully temporary )

Has anyone played with it ?
The website is back up, btw.
I can get VLC to play the stream if I made a .m3u for it.. but no sound when I try to run it in XBMC by selecting a music path to the link.
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[REQUEST] Sirius Script or Plugin? - Satellite internet radio streams online player?0
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