IMDB scraper support would be fantastic!
I'm so glad I've finally found a direct database editor.
The only issues I've seen:
The columns with checkmarks telling me a movie doesn't have a thumbnail when it really does have one, not sure why.
A few English improvements could be made, but I'm not sure what they were supposed to mean or I'd help.
Does this have support for adding new movies that are in .RAR files?
If so, is there a way to add new STACKED movies by pointing it to a folder and pointing it to CD1/CD2) and then
using the normal processes to scrape information from the movie based on the name you've given it?
Also, when editing video properties, it shows (! Mutiple Files), except it really doesn't show both disk paths for me to edit them manually if need-be, but this wouldn't be a problem if I could add stacked(cd1/cd2) files manually.