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[RELEASE] Project xbmc-addons-chinese (Chinese addons for Kodi)
added plugin.video.yinyuetai - MV from http://www.yinyuetai.com (chinese)
taxigps Wrote:live tv will call External program. need more setting before you can run it. see the addon description. if you can read chinese, find more message here:http://bbs.htpc1.com/forum-225-1.html

Any english support on what settings need to be setup for this? Thanks!
added: plugin.video.qiyi - internat video from http://www.qiyi.com (chinese)

QIYI (QIYI.COM), launched online on April 22, 2010.

As the leading online video platform, QIYI was founded by Baidu- world's the largest Chinese search engine, invested by Providence Equity Partners-U.S. private equity, QIYI is the first professional website dedicated to providing free, high-definition network video services.
wupot Wrote:Any english support on what settings need to be setup for this? Thanks!

which plugin you want to use? I'll add english setting guide in the add-on description when have time.
added plugin.video.cntv - Chinese Net TV online video
taxigps Wrote:1. i think all people speak chinese can watch these online videos, and the message are shown as simplified chinese
2. script failuer error because site changed.

Thanks for the response and all the Chinese addons, been a while since I checked this thread sorry for the delay in expressing that.
Asus Essentio CS5110, Intel E8300, 2 GB Ram, 8600M GT
taxigps Wrote:Change CCTV video plugin to CNTV plugin


My version of XBMC on apple tv 2 is 10.0 but still can't see plugin.video.cntv-live - Chinese Net TV live tv (chinese). But I can see plugin.video.cntv - Chinese Net TV online video (chinese)

is this due to the version not being 10.05?

nuby Wrote:Hello,

My version of XBMC on apple tv 2 is 10.0 but still can't see plugin.video.cntv-live - Chinese Net TV live tv (chinese). But I can see plugin.video.cntv - Chinese Net TV online video (chinese)

is this due to the version not being 10.05?


plugin.video.cntv-live needs call external windows program, so only support windows system
@taxigps -

my Chinese friends are asking requests:

is it possible to stream Hong Kong based content with a VPN such as


Great add-ons thank you from them!!
myXBMC Wrote:@taxigps -

my Chinese friends are asking requests:

is it possible to stream Hong Kong based content with a VPN such as


Great add-ons thank you from them!!
How to access site in Hong Kong use VPN?
Trying to fix this for my girlfriend.

Have two problems.

I do not understand the second part of the install instructions. where is this keymap.exe located?

What is the easiest way to view chinese characters in XBMC?

Win7 32bit 10.05
hirolau Wrote:Trying to fix this for my girlfriend.

Have two problems.

I do not understand the second part of the install instructions. where is this keymap.exe located?

What is the easiest way to view chinese characters in XBMC?

Win7 32bit 10.05

1. XBMC support Chinese characters by default now. or you need to set Character set to Chinese Simplified(GBK) in International settings.
2. Which addon you use? See here if "CNTV Live":
Thank you very much..

I am trying to get PPStream videos playing.

I was able to locate the Keymap.exe and run it. Good. I was looking in the program files xbmc folder. Do i need to keep this exe running or just appaly the patch?

Even if i select Chinese, i cant read the characters from PPStream. In windows I must select the character set called " Chinese Simplified (Singapore)" in order to read characters in PPStream. Can this be done in XBMC.

I was able to get random videos playing, but could not control them while playing. I was able to use the arrow keys to alter sound level and screen size. Is this a restriction of the plugin or just me failing to apply the keymap?

Edit: Was able to display Chinese by changing both the character set (Chinese) and the font from default to Arial based. Still, am not able to control video playback in PPStram

Edit2: Got the plugin to control PPStream, just had to find a translator (as in a person next by the computer capable of reading Chinese) for the KeyMap program.

Edit 3: Thank you very much taxigps!
added plugin.video.tudou - Online video from http://www.tudou.com (Chinese)
added plugin.video.tencent - Online video from v.qq.com (Chinese)
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