Sount brakes for 0.5 sec on TV
Finally I was able to run tv on xbmc via tvheadend.

But for some time sound brakes for about 0.5 sec - picture is without any brakes during this,

I've noticed that when sound is braking fps counter showing for a while 24,xx fps (not 25).

This situation is in both HD and SD channels. I've tried to change from analog to digital output in settings - no resoult.

I'm using 9.11 live version, Sky Star HD2 and audio connected to yamaha's sound system (via optical output in FS Scaleo E).

Can you help as this is really pissing me off Wink

althekiller Wrote:

After setting up Transparency! v2.11 skin sund brakes only sometimes - there is a much improofe ... maby this will help you...

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